Giveaway: Win a fabulous Valentine’s Day package!

valentine's day package

It’s the month of LOVE and we want to make some mama feel adored with a Valentine’s Day package that includes balloons, dinner and dessert.

The balloons are courtesy of our awesome sponsor on Motherlode, The Party Place in Rogers. They are Valentine’s Day Central right now! We were in there recently and they had all the plates, napkins, balloons, Valentine’s Day balloons, fun trinkets and banners you would need for a fabulous Valentine’s party.

Yep, right now the store is an explosion of pink, red, white and … cow?

Some people (like us) love cow. Owner Pepper said his staff will create a beautiful balloon flower for the winning mama in her favorite colors (and let’s face it — the kids will be PUMPED about mom getting a cool balloon. They might even want to confiscate it!). If you like cow, here’s a balloon flower that you might pick:

party place flower

Or maybe you’d prefer this style:

Party Place tabletop flower centerpiece

In addition to balloons from The Party Place, the winner of the V-Day package will also win dinner at Mojitos Modern Mexican Grill and a dozen Bliss Cupcake Cafe cupcakes.

Doesn’t that sound like the perfect date? A gorgeous balloon flower, dinner for two and dessert? We thought you’d love it!

Mojitos is, of course, famous for the drink for which they are named. They actually have TEN different Mojito flavors to choose from. The Mojitos menu also includes favorites like guacamole made fresh at your table, sandwiches, salads, nachos, burritos, fajitas, tacos, enchiladas and other Mexican “classics”. For dessert, they have lots to choose from, including flan, deep-fried ice cream, banana chimichanga and their signature dessert — flaming strawberries.

Flaming strawberries

Last, but not least: The winner will receive a dozen Bliss Cupcake Cafe cupcakes. They are so delicious! We absolutely love the chocolate milkshake flavor, but there are so many to choose from! Did you know that they now have a Bliss in Conway? So many great locations to get your Bliss Fix — Rogers, Fayetteville (uptown and downtown) and now Conway. Congrats, Bliss!

blissReady to throw your name in the hat?

HOW TO ENTER: If you’d love to win this Valentine’s Day package, just click on the words “post a comment” below and tell us about something you’re loving right now. Maybe it’s your kids’ fun age, a new job, the prospect of a beach vacation or even something as simple as a new scarf.

HOW TO INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: If you’d like to increase your odds of winning this V-Day package, just share! Email friends and family about the giveaway and CC us so we’ll be sure to give you credit. The email is

You could also receive more chances to win by posting a comment on one or all three of the sponsors’ Facebook pages (be sure to tell us in your comment on Motherlode that you jumped over and said something nice elsewhere — so we can go like your kind comment!). You could say something as simple as “Thanks for the fun giveaway on Motherlode!” on their page.

facebookVisit The Party Places’ Facebook page HERE to comment.

Visit Mojitos’ Facebook page HERE to comment.

Visit Bliss Cupcake Cafe’s Facebook page HERE to comment.

BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.

Good luck, mamas! We’ll choose a winner on Friday so the winner will be able to collect her goodies before Valentine’s Day on the 14th!


  1. I’m loving that we already have a family reunion AT THE BEACH planned with my family in June, and one in Colorado with hubs’ family in July 🙂

    Have a fabulous week Mamas and stay safe and warm!! XO

  2. I am loving the snow day we’re having today, and the board games my kids and I will be playing this afternoon.

  3. I am loving how well my three kids are getting along right now. It makes snow day so much fun!

    I follow ya’ll on Twitter and Pinterest and I commented on your Facebook page. I also commented on Mojitos, The Party Place and Bliss Cupcakes FB pages.

  4. I’m loving spending time with all my kids before my oldest goes to Kindergarden next year!

  5. I’m absolutely loving our Life Group at our church. I love how close knit we’re all becoming, and how we all encourage each other in our walks with The Lord.

    I’ve commented on all three sponsors’ FB pages!

  6. I’m loving life 🙂 I love the snow right now but love the thought of getting to go to the beach this summer!

  7. I am loving being a new mom! My sweet 4 month old baby boy is the light of my life! 🙂

  8. im loving that we are snowed in and me and kiddos don’t even have to get out of our pjs!

  9. Loving that our snowman somehow turned into a science experiment- erupting volcano!

  10. I’m loving that my little girl is finally calling me mama. And talking so much more.

  11. I’m loving my husband for sending me pics & updates of the kids having fun while I’m out of town at a work meeting. It makes me worry less & happy to see them enjoying snow days with dad in their pjs!

  12. I am loving that my husband is downstairs right now preparing dinner as I am up sick in bed. He never hesitates to help and do 50% of the work in our home!!

  13. A snow day at home. I think I love them more as an adult than I did as a child!

  14. I am absolutely in love with being a mommy! I have never known a love like this.

  15. I am loving all of this non-scheduled time with my three kids during these snow days!

  16. I love that my husband survived a stroke 3 weeks ago and our family is together again.

  17. I love having my kids home right now……if only we didn’t have to make up these snow days!!!!

  18. I am loving that I will be leaving on February 16 to see my son perform in the Metropolitan Opera! A dream come true for him and I couldn’t be prouder of him.

  19. I’m loving my son’s age and the funny things that come out of his mouth nowadays!

  20. I’m just loving life! Couldn’t ask for better people to surround myself with! I’m very blessed

  21. I’m loving repainting an old “New” desk to be my sewing table in my camper!!

  22. I love love love the fact that I can depend on my Mama anytime we have bad weather and school is closed. I do not have the luxury of staying home with my kids, but I can always count on my Mom to be there for us!! She is the bestest Mama out there!!!!!!!

  23. I am loving the beautiful snow from my living room window. So pretty outside. Love it . Great weather to snuggle

  24. I’m loving extra time with my 2 kiddos and amazing husband on all these snow days!

  25. I love that I’ve been able to spend extra time with my two children thanks to the snow days this week!

  26. I’m loving these lazy snow days. Initially I was bummed about all the snow days in December. But over the last month and including today, I am enjoying this time with my kids hanging in our pajamas!

  27. I am loving my pregnancy! This will be my last, so I’m trying to enjoy each and every kick, cramp, and hiccup!

  28. I am loving the sound of my older 2 boys (10 and 12) including their 2 year old brother in their play. It is the best sound in the world when they are all 3 getting along nicely.

  29. I love this weather! It’s only like this for a little while so we will enjoy it while it lasts!

  30. I love my kids and husband, to the moon and back. I also love my friends. 10 years ago I decided I needed to make more female friends, to show my girls that it is important to have those close friends around. I love my group of friends. I look forward to hanging out and being myself around them.

  31. I love hot tea and cozy days home with my kids. I love snuggling and watching the snow come down. (Even though I don’t want to miss more school).

  32. I love that I am blessed with an amazing bunch of family, friends and co-workers! Thanks for another awesome giveaway! ♡

  33. I know a lot of people are “over” this weather, but I love the fact that we live in a location that God blesses us with all 4 seasons! The snow is so beautiful and it’s amazingly peaceful and quiet outside as it falls. I love how it allows my family to slow down and enjoy the time together

  34. I am loving my hubby right now! I am 31 weeks pregnant with our third child and let’s just say, it’s been rough waters. My dear sweet husband has been so wonderful to take on all of the housework and cooking as well as see me through some very painful times. He is wonderful and I love him very much!

  35. I am enjoying spending time with the family and BREATHING- because of an asthma flare up!

  36. I am loving that we got snow without ice! We have finally been able to enjoy the snow.

  37. Snow days with the family home and doing crafts and making yummy food… nothing spectacular but a peaceful, happy day with loved ones. And a purring kitty, too.

  38. I’m enjoying the fact that my 4 yr old is enjoying her daily bible lessons that I have just started with her. It’s amazing how the snow can bring wonderful things into one’s home.

  39. I love love that you have this drawing and
    I super love that I’m home with my big family and
    I ooper love that cupcakes are one of the prizes!

    Oh yummmmmmm!!!

  40. Loving warm drinks on snow days and the break from hectic activity filled days.

  41. Something I love right now is my outlook!! I am finally seeing things in such a different light. Now growing within my faith. Newly married, a sweet healthy growing 17 month old daughter and that makes me happy! As corny as it is— it’s true!! Accepting the life God has blessed me with is finally the way to love it and yourself ((:

  42. I am loving central heat on this icy day! How fortunate to have a little climate control!

  43. I am loving life! Being a stay at home mom some how feels different when you’re snowed in! We love snow, and happy to know that everything we need is right here at home!

  44. I’m loving how well my 2 year old son is doing in his big boy underwear! I dreaded potty training and he’s made it fun!!!

  45. I love thinking about our summer vacation to Yellowstone in July! We already have the dates marked off the calendar and a hotel booked. It is always exciting to have something fun to look forward to as a family when we will all be together for several days.

  46. I am loving hugs from my boys. They give the best hugs on the planet. My 17th wedding anniversary is February 15th. Loving Life!

  47. I am loving how good of a big sister our oldest is to her little sister. It is so fun to watch them play together.

  48. I am loving that my family has the opportunity to move back to NWA! We know where “home” is.

  49. I know everyone is tired of Snow days and wants kids back in school. However, today I have lived having them home. Everyone was happy and helpful! We played games, made slime, and moved furniture around!

  50. I am loving catching up on some reading with all of the kids’ activities being cancelled!

  51. Love being snowed in with my family. Being lazy, watching movies, and eating of course! Thanks for the chance of this awesome giveaway!

  52. I have many things to be thankful for but right now I am thankful for the trip we are planning to Europe in June. We are visiting London, Paris and Barcelona and I am so excited. Never been before.

  53. I love being able to spend more time with my son while he is out of school! =)

  54. I love getting to play in the snow with my little girl. We made a snow heart that stands up on a snow pedestal and we used red food dye to color it. So fun!

  55. Well, besides my family, I LOVE to be home! I enjoy watching movies with my husband and kids, preparing and enjoying dinner, and just being together. Love these special moments

  56. I love being given a second chance and living in peace. I was abused for years and now am soon happy. I can’t believe all Jesus rescued me from when I look back. I love being FREE!!!!!

  57. I am loving daddy being home and snowed in off work! My kids are loving the daddy time!! We would love to win! My three year old just tol me he would like to be the Cake Boss when he grows big! He would love just going into Bliss we haven’t ever been!

  58. I love Making homemade paper Rosette Pins for her teachers to wear on Valentine’s Day!
    On our icy day home from school! She is 9 years and lives to craft!
    Special time w/ my girl!

  59. Right now, I’m loving my hubby! 🙂 He has been a rock for the past couple weeks, an it would be so nice to go on a date night with him!!

  60. I am loving planning my daughter’s 10th birthday party . Kids grow up so fast it is so important to savor these moments.

  61. I LOVE family time with good food and this package has something for everyone in my family! 😉

  62. I am loving this giveaway!! Hope I win! I am also loving the beauty of the snow (even though I am ready for life to go back to normal!)

  63. I love it when my husband walks through the door at the end of the day (sweet, handsome man!), snuggle time with my girls every day, and wearing pajamas from sun up until sun down on these snow days (if I’m being honest, it’s most days)! 😉

  64. I’m loving my kids ages and how they are able to help cook and being able to do fun things with them. Looking forward to camping this summer

  65. With all the snow we’ve had, I’ve been loving having my husband with me to share these long days and nights being cooped up. Also loving seeing photos of the six grandkids playing in the snow!!!!!! Warms a grandmother’s heart!

  66. I love pjs, apricot vanilla hot tea, snuggling with my family, and looking at the beautiful white snow.

  67. I love my family <3 They are always there for me and encourage me to always do the right thing.

  68. My husband and I are school teachers. I love the snow days because we get to spend time with our boys and one another. We are making memories.

  69. Loving my new baby girl! And watching my toddler love on his new sister is even sweeter!

  70. I don’t love the snow days but I do love the extra time spent with my boys curled up watching movies

  71. I am loving going into work late and getting off early and spending extra time with my daughter.

  72. I am loving my husband who I found after 35 yrs. We went to HS together, went different directions and just married in Oct. 2013. He is my prince til the end of time.

  73. I love my one and only son at 7 months old, and the dynamic that is our family.

  74. I’m loving having a little extra time to turn on music and dance with my girls thanks to these snow days!!!

  75. I’m loving on all my boys. My sweet husband and my 2 growing boys!! My boys love cupcakes and mommy and daddy would love a supper out! Crossing my fingers 😉

  76. I am loving life… kids… husband…..the dog……we can’t wait for summer!!!

  77. I love sleeping in right now and playing cards with my three kids!! Love snow days

  78. I’m loving this extra time at home with my four girls, making memories in the snow!

  79. I’m loving that I can be a working mom without having to put my toddler in daycare. It’s a win!

  80. I love that my newborn twins actually got some good sleep last night! We all needed it! And I love that my daughter is such an amazing big sister to them 🙂

  81. I am loving that my kids are still young enough to cuddle when they want, but old enough to stay home while my husband and I go out to eat alone. :0)

  82. I’m loving snow days at home with my kids and extra snuggles from my baby boy who has been sick.

  83. I love…holding this new baby girl I had today!!! I’m officially a mom for our second child, and it’s reminded me how just when you think you couldn’t love anything or anyone as much as your first child… There is room for one more! What a blessing today has been!

  84. I love people! Would love to be able to share this with my famly and friends.

  85. Love that I have a dependable car to get me to the hospital to work so I can help others

  86. Love that this winter has given me so much time at home with my kids and love that I have a work place that supports me when I need to be home with my family.

  87. Hi, I love that I have planned a summer vacation!
    Thanks for a chance to win this awesome giveaway!

  88. I am absolutely loving my 3 month old, sweet baby boy. He is such a precious blessing and I just can’t get enough of him. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! <3

  89. I love that we are having some amazing snow days and I can cuddle up in my house and relax with some hot coffee and warm blankets!

  90. I am so thankful for time at home on a snow day to spend with my grandaughter Izabella. Cuddling with her reminds me of how very blessed I am!

  91. I am loving Bliss Cupcakes’ gluten free cupcakes right now! My son recently had to go gluten free and because of Bliss, we can take gf cupcakes to birthday parties for him so he doesn’t feel left out! Thanks Bliss!

  92. I guess I am one of the older Mama’s of NW Arkansas as I retired last year after 25 years with WM. Today and this week I enjoying feeding and watching the beautiful birds in our backyard. What makes it even more special is my husband of 46 years is enjoying this beauty with me. I enjoy having the time to make quilts for my Grandkids and Sons. Life is Great!!!

  93. Love getting to sleep in on a snow day, even though I still had to go to work, the late start is awesome!

  94. Me too! I LOOVE the gluten free honey lavendar cupcakes. They are like a little bit of xanex for me! I really need that now!

  95. I am loving my 5 month old son’s happy personality and new laugh! I am also loving my extra time with him this week because of the weather!

  96. I’m loving snow, fires in the fireplace, games with the kids, and catching up on reading!

  97. I love that my girls (3 years & 6 months) love each other so much. It makes my heart swell when I watch them play. I’m thankful for a husband who works two jobs to support our family & provide for our sweet girls!
    I commented on your Facebook, as well as the other 3 FB pages. I also follow Motherlode on Twitter!

  98. I’m loving building tents, having “movie” time and baking with the kids. Cold weather stinks, but snow day activities are fun!!

  99. I love the way Motherlode just keeps coming up with “love to have” giveaways and great ideas.

  100. I’m so thankful for my family who have helped me during and after my husband’s surgery.

  101. I am loving The Walking Dead right now. Getting caught up thanks to the marathon I DVR’d that came on AMC.

  102. I love seeing snow on the ground (but not the roads!) Right now! It’s kind of like vanilla frosting on a Bliss cupcake!

  103. It’s sad to say but right now I’m really loving cough drops and my daughter’s humidifier. I think all the fun snow days have gotten to me. As always loving my little family!

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