Mamas on Magic 107.9: Wide Awake Week!

“Mom, I can’t go to sleep!”

sheepHave you heard that line about a zillion times or so? Yep, we have, too.

But it’s not just the kids who sometimes have a hard time getting enough shut-eye. We moms are often guilty of shortchanging ourselves when it comes to getting enough sleep.

So we’re calling this group of radio segments “Wide Awake Week.” We’ll share some of the most creative excuses local kids give for not going to sleep. And we’ll also tell you the straight scoop on what lack of sleep can do to us. We’ll finish up the week with some of the AWESOME perks that a decent night’s sleep brings with it. Grab your pillow and blanket and join us for Mamas on Magic every weekday morning.

Listen to Magic 107.9 at 7:45 a.m. each weekday morning to hear this discussion, or click any of the segments below if you miss a day.

Monday’s segment:

Tuesday’s segment:

Wednesday’s segment:

Thursday’s segment:

Friday’s segment: