Five Minutes with a Mom: Erika Rodriguez

A portrait of Erika Rodriguez with her husband and two children

Erika Rodriguez was seven months pregnant when COVID-19 first shut Northwest Arkansas. She’s kept her sense of humor through it all, even after baby #3 arrived amidst the pandemic. Please say hello to Erika, everyone!

Erika, take it away:

Children’s names and ages:

Jocelyn Mae 8, Joaquin 3, and Jorge 3 mths

Where do you live and what brought you to NWA?

Born and raised in NWA and currently living in Fayetteville. Woo Pig Sooie!!

How have you been coping with momming during a pandemic?

Erika Rodriguez's three children cuddle on the couchNot gonna lie…. It’s been a bit of a struggle! I was 7 months pregnant when COVID started in NWA. I started working from home in March and then Jorge was born June 17, 2020, and maternity leave began. I was on maternity leave for 3 months.

So 7 months at home with 3 kiddos, coming from someone who has always be a working mom, it was chaotic! A lot of respect to stay at home moms, they are the real MVP!

Share a typical day in your life with us:

A typical day is trying to keep them active! We do dance, soccer, t-ball and swimming . Always something going on in our house!

What’s a meal you make over and over again for the kids?

Luckily our kids aren’t picky eaters, but they love soups!

If you could vacation anywhere in the world this fall, where would you go?

A Beach! We weren’t able to go on our yearly family vacay this year, due to COVID. I really missed that beach vibe for sure!

Erika Rodriguez standing with her three children in their neighborhood

If you could magically learn a new skill, what would it be?

I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano!

What’s something your friends might not know about you?

I know how to drive a stick shift.

What’s your favorite way to unwind?

Catching up on my favorite shows, along with some wine to unwind.

Name three things you always have with you:

Chapstick/lip gloss, mints and mask!

Who do you most admire?

My mother! She’s a very strong and courageous woman. She’s originally from Mexico and came to Arkansas at a young age to work and help provide for her younger brothers and sisters.

It baffles me the type of courage and strength my aunt and her had to come on their own to a foreign country with no assistance of any kind. That to me is something I will always admire about her, her strength and courage to selflessly help provide for her family.

What do you most want people to remember about you?

My willingness to help and assist others when in need.

One word to sum me up:
