Things We’re Loving in June 2023

Welcome back to another installment of “Things We’re Loving.” This month, I’ll tell you about something that makes me smile every time I see it on my desk. Even better, it was made by an artist here in Northwest Arkansas!

At last year’s Northwest Arkansas Boutique Show, I bought a set of these little cards with hand-lettered Bible verses on them. I bought them at one of my favorite booths at the show, Art & Soul, which is owned by artist Kristen West. I’ve been shopping at this booth during the Boutique Show for years now, and I always love what I find there.

The set of cards came with a tiny wooden easel, so each month I grab my stack of cards and pick one that “feels right” for the moment or my mood. Then I put it on the little easel for display. Having it near the spot where I sit and work each day is such a lovely way to remember what’s important or get a little boost of encouragement when I need it.

Here’s the card I have sitting on my tiny desk easel this month:

I chose this card for June because my two oldest kids (who are both in college) are now home for the summer, which means all three of our kids (ages 21, 19, and 16) are back in our house this month. The gang is back together! It’s louder and messier but it’s also funnier and more exciting. I can hug each one of them goodnight, which I can’t do for most of the school year. The house feels so full of love, which makes the extra dishes and laundry more than worth it.

If you want a little easel and a beautiful card for your personal space, too, you can follow Art & Soul on Facebook. Kristen West shares beautiful images of her work on a regular basis. You can also order a wide range of products on the Art and Soul Etsy shop! This would make a great gift for a fellow mama or anyone who loves quotes turned into visual art. Here’s another Art & Soul creation shared on the Facebook page: