You might have one of those kids who talks a mile a minute about anything and EVERYTHING. While we know that it can be a tad exhausting at times, count yourself lucky.
As kids get older, sometimes they tend to clam up. Getting information out of them or finding out exactly what they think and how they feel can be really tough at times. We recently discussed this topic — as well as what special words and phrases moms can use with their kids — on our daily radio segment called Mamas on Magic.
It airs on Magic 107.9 at about 7:45 a.m. on weekdays. Check it out when you’re driving the kids to school, driving yourself to work (or Starbucks) or having breakfast at home. We hope you like it!
Finding out about their day
Phrases to use at home and everywhere
Phrases you want your kids to remember
Letting them know you you feel about them