Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, which reminds us of one of the things we are most thankful for here on — THOSE BIG FREAKIN’ APPLIANCE GIVEAWAYS FROM METRO APPLIANCES & MORE! This week we’re thrilled to be giving away a brand spankin’ new stainless steel refrigerator, courtesy of Metro Appliances & More. It’s a 26 cubic foot Frigidaire Gallery refrigerator in a Smudge-Proof Stainless Steel finish! Behold the glamor shot below:
Wouldn’t a new fridge look awesome in your kitchen, just in time for Thanksgiving when you and everybody else in the family will be in and out of there constantly? This one has designer lighting, SpillSafe glass shelves, touch-button controls, best-in-class filtration for better-tasting water and ice, and more than 100 different ways to organize and customize the fridge interior.
This refrigerator would normally cost more than ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS, but it will be absolutely free (and delivered to your kitchen) if you’re the lucky mama whose name is drawn out of our online hat at the end of this week. (Winners are ALWAYS chosen at random using a random number generator.)
“BUT I DON’T NEED A NEW FRIDGE:” Yes, we know there are many of you who may be in love with the fridge that’s already in your kitchen. And if that’s the case, you should still throw your name in the drawing because, if you win, you could GIVE this free refrigerator to a family (or a non-profit organization) who could really use it. Think about what a blessing it would be to give it away. It would give a whole new meaning to the words “thanks” and “giving.” HOW TO ENTER: To throw your name in the online hat, click on the words “post a comment” below and tell us about something that has happened this year that you are thankful for. You can also enter the giveaway via email by sending your answer to HOW TO INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: We’ve got three different ways you can score extra entries for this giveaway valued at more than one-thousand buckaroos. (If you like, you can do all three of these things for even more extra chances.) 1. Email your friends/family and let them know about the giveaway. Be sure to put on the CC line of your email and we will give you an extra chance to win for every person you send the email to. 2. Come visit the fridge in person at this weekend’s NWA Boutique Show! We’ll have this fridge at the nwaMotherlode booth at the NWA Boutique Show. Come by and say hello, and while you’re there you can toss your name and email address into the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. All those names will also be entered into the online drawing. 3. Send us one of your favorite recipes for possible use in our “Mealtime Mama” recipe collection featured here on the website. Email the recipe to and we’ll give you another entry into the drawing for the refrigerator. Be sure to also let your Facebook and Twitter friends know about the giveaway, too! We love it when mamas help spread the word.
Note: Be sure to put Metro Appliances & More on the top of your “must see” list the next time you need any type of appliance. They have an enormous showroom and the best staff we’ve ever encountered when it comes to customer service. They know the details on each appliance and are helpful without being pushy. That’s a tough thing to find these days. Metro has also sponsored this huge appliance giveaway on for the past four years which shows how much they appreciate local women and mothers. Thank you, Metro!
Good luck in this week’s “Big Chill” giveaway! We’ll email the winner early next week so please keep an eye on your email inbox!
I’m thankful for a new job opportunity!
I’m thankful for friends who have been so supportive while our family is trying to get custody of our nephew. We are beyond blessed.
So thankful a growing family. We will be hanging 11 stockings over the fireplace this year!
I’m very thankful for abundance. aka, I need a refrigerator with more room so I can store some of this abundance.
I am thankful for my family. My younger brother found a job in Arkansas and is so much closer. My girls are so excited to be able to spend more time with their cousins.
I’m thankful that I’ve been given a fun opportunity to start a new business venture. It’s been so exciting!
(I’d also like to add that we’ve gotten most of our appliances from Metro, and they provide some of the most excellent ongoing service I’ve ever experienced. They’re a great company!)
I am thankful for the addition of our third child.
I am thankful for being able to move to nwa and be closer to family!
I’m thankful to be getting healthier every day!
I’m thankful for my amazing parents who I model my role as a mother after.
I’m thankful for my supportive family.
I’m very, very thankful to have a job I love and the ability to make a difference!
I am thankful that I am going to be able to make the decision to pursue my passion professionally with the support of my husband.
I am thankful we were FINALLY able to adopt our youngest!! It’s been a long 5 years!!
Thankful for our health and family.
I’m thankful for a wonderful family!
I’m thankful for my husband who loves us with such sacrificial love!
I’m thankful for the opportunity to go to grad school and become a teacher.
Thankful that my family is healthy and happy!!!
I’m thankful my husband had the courage to take a giant leap of faith & start his own business this year!
I’m thankful for my supportive friends and family! It has been quite a year with lots of highs and lows.
I am thankful for my family and friends!
Thankful for those who seek opportunities to help others grow.
I am thankful for a happy and healthy family.
I’m thankful for new beginnings and remarkable healing.
I’m thankful that, after a burst appendix and a knee surgery in the family last year, we are all healthy and happy this year!
I am thankful for my beautiful, happy, healthy family!
Thankful for success in my small business. It may be small growth, but it’s growth!!
This would be great! This year I am thankful for an amazing husband. We have been together for 7 years but got married last month 10-18-2013!!
I’m thankful that our family is growing – I love it!
I am very thankful for a 2nd baby that was born in February of this year! 🙂 After 7 years of infertility we now have 2 little blessings!
I am thankful for my beautiful, supportive family.
I thankful for my daughter and brand new twin babies!
I’m thankful for all of my family and friends. I’ve been blessed beyond measure and couldn’t do life without them.
My niece was born… She’s the most incredible blessing ever!
I am thankful that God has not given up on me.
I am thankful for unconditional love, a healthy, happy, and hard working family that knows the value of a dollar and a prayer!
I am thankful to have celebrated 55 wonderful years with my husband this past September. God has blessed us during those years with a wonderful family and I’m thankful for everyone of them.
I am thankful for a job I love and for my family.
I am thankful for God’s love and the sacrfice of Jesus on the cross for my sins!
I am thankful for my family and all the new friends here in NWAR.
Thankful for awesome family that helps me out when I’m in a bind!!!
I am thankful that my 1st grader loves Fayetteville Christian School it has been such a great experience compared to 1st grade in our town.
It was kindergarten that was the horrible year. Fayetteville Christian School has entirely changed my son’s attitude about school.
I’m thankful for a loving, caring mother–she’s genuinely sweet and generous.
so thankful for my amazing family! I have an awesome husband that supports me in everything I do and 3 happy, healthy and spunky children! Not sure what I did to deserve them, but so very thankful they’re mine!
I am thankful for my family and friends.
I am thankful for the recent addition of my 5th child-she is so sweet and relaxed. I just have a hard time putting her down!
This year I am thankful for the health of my family and the chance to see my little girl grow and change everyday.
I’m thankful for my husband. I don’t tell him enough!
I am so thankful this year for an employment opportunity that changed everything at my house; better money, better hours.
I am thankful for a beautiful fall season and my family! I’m crossing my fingers for this giveaway as it is SO needed in the new pediatric speech and feeding clinic on spring street—we are still fridge less and a feeding clinic needs a fridge !!!
I am so grateful for my family and being able to move into our own home this month!
I am thankful that we have been blessed with a little girl that will arrive in March.
I am thankful for my growing family. I had another baby boy in July and got my first nephew in September!
Thankful that I have been kept safely in the hand of God and have been given freedom from worry
Oh goodness, where to start…. I could name so many things I’m thankful for… My husband, my kids, family, our home, etc. etc…. This is always a tough question for me because I am so thankful for so much! So I’ll answer with this: I’m thankful for our loving God whom has given me much to be thankful for! <3
I am thankful for my husband losing his job. I know, weird, right!? Sometimes God knows that you need a swift kick to get moving. We would NEVER have made the decision to leave that job on our own, but that has been one of the biggest blessings we have had. The lessons, friendships and opportunity that we have received thru this have been abundant!! Thankful that GOD always has a better plan for our lives than we could imagine!
thankful to witness positive change in my family
Thankful that my husband got to return to school this year!
I am thankful that my kids have music in their lives and am grateful to their music teachers. My son recently lost a classmate and dealt with it by composing music for him. Music is a great gift in many ways.
As a side note, my fridge is from Montgomery Wards in Fayetteville. Anyone even remember when that was here in Evelyn Hills where ONF is? Exactly my point! I NEED THAT FRIDGE!!
I am thankful for time to focus on my health this year and time to be able to learn how to help my family be more healthy and that God had shown His providence to me through this.
I am thankful for a great year at work, a healthy family and an amazing God who carries me day by day
I am thankful that my kids have music in their lives and am grateful to their teachers. My son recently lost a classmate and dealt with it by composing music for him. It is a great gift in many ways.
As a side note, my fridge is from Montgomery Wards in Fayetteville. Anyone even remember when that was here in Evelyn Hills where ONF is? Exactly my point! I NEED TO WIN!!
I am so thankful that this holiday season we are in our own home, last year at this time our family of 6 did not have a home of our own, thankful for all the people that took care of us during that time!
I am thankful this year that even though my son had an accident with a saw and lost one of his fingers, he did not let it stop him from pushing through and continuing to do his woodworking. He does amazing work and is an amazing man!
I am thankful to have all my friends and family healthy.
I am thankful for my wonderfully amazing family and friends and all that we do for each other.
Thankful that the Lord took care of my youngest when she decided to somersault out of her top bunk instead of taking a nap. She’s missing a few baby teeth, but she blessedly doesn’t have a broken neck or spine.
I am so thankful for our son, Eli. We had some early troubles when we decided to start a family. After a couple of heartbreaks, Eli was born November of last year and, besides a few colds and ear infections, has been healthy and full of joy. We are now getting ready to celebrate his 1 year birthday and I am CRAZY grateful!
I am thankful for my husbands new job, which allows him to spend a little more time at home with myself and our two daughters!
I am thankful for a Savior who died for me, a family who loves me and friends who make me laugh.
I am thankful for the job I wasn’t looking for that found me this past spring. I am putting my talents to use for a great non-profit with a 60+ year history in NWA.
I am also thankful for the bounty my fledgling garden provided this year and would love to have a gorgeous refrigerator like this.
So thankful for a healthy family!
I am so thankful for the health of my family and that we have our Lord and Savior watching out for us.
I am thankful for a new baby on the way!
I am thankful for family and friends that I am blessed with….and to call NWA home!
Thankful for NEWEST GRANDBABY!!! Grandbaby #4!
I’m thankful that I have a healthy beautiful family to share my life with. We are blessed.
I’m thankful for my wonderful family and friends.
I am thankful for my Savior and the knowledge I have of his wonderful plan for me.
I’m thankful for the healthier, happier new me.
This year there are so many things but I am thankful for:
I gave birth to my beautiful first baby boy and I just celebrated 6yrs of marriage to my amazing husband. I really don’t know how life really could get better at this point.
I am thankful for my family & friends.
I am thankful that in 2013 I had the privilege of staying at home full-time with my daughters. I worked outside the home dividing my time among a family of three girls, work, church, and community for most of their lives. This year has been all about family – no balancing work!
I’m thankful for friends and family that come visit us despite being half a country away!
I am thankful that my kids have music in their lives and am grateful to their teachers. My son recently lost a classmate and dealt with it by composing a piece for him. It is a great gift in many ways.
As a side note, my fridge is from Montgomery Wards in Fayetteville. Does anyone even remember when that was here in Evelyn Hills where ONF is? Exactly my point! I NEED TO WIN!!
I am thankful for my hardworking, patient and loving husband!!
I am thankful for my sweet, healthy, wonderful children and my awesome, hardworking husband. They are the loves of my life!
I am thankful for the abundance of my Life – family, friends, a wonderful job, a warm home and plenty to eat. I am blessed beyond measure and treasure each day for the gifts it brings.
This year I am thankful for home schooling my 3 younger children. I was very nervous about taking on this huge responsibility but things are going great!
I am thankful my family is healthy.
I’m thankful for my children
I’m thankful that my husband and I both have jobs and that we and our kids are all healthy and able to sleep under the same roof every night.
I am thankful for the love in my life and the turn toward equality this year.
I am thankful for my daughter.
I am thankful for my husband’a continued renewed health and for my family!
I am thankful for such a brave, strong and happy daughter! This year has been a challenge finding out some new health issues with her, along with speech, physical and occupational therapy 6 hours a week. But she has never complained about any of it! So proud of her!
I am a three year cancer survivor and I am thankful for every day God blesses me with! And I am super thankful He allowed me to go back to Nicaragua on a mission trip just a few weeks ago! Amazing!
I’m thankful for my families health and that I’m getting a new nephew!
So thankful for a healthy family. Good health is priceless!
I am thankful for my family and friends
Oh my what i am Thankful for this year. The list is endless. First i am Thankful i can live in a country i can worship God and go to a great church at Lowell Baptist church, Thankful for God sending Jesus for us. Thankful i will have eternal life. I am thankful for my church family. Thankful for my wonderful husband of 33 years. Thankful for my fantastic grand daughters, and honor y grand daughters and sons. Thankful for Gods beauty in everything i see. Thankful i was able to work with children at church in Awans’a and vacation bible school and trunk or treat. Thankful for working with the Girl Scouts in two different troops. It has been a fantastic year so far
I’m thankful for our newest little love born just two months ago an for the first, who taught me how to be a mom. Both of them have expanded my heart to its fullest capacity for love. So very thankful!
I am thankful for the hard times, which remind me to appreciate life and all that each day holds.
I am thankful for my family. I love them more than words can say.
I am thankful for so many things – a healthy son, husband, family, friends, dogs, a job I like, food on the table, and red wine 🙂
I am thankful for my husband’s happiness.
I’m thankful that my husband got a transfer to a new position at his work. He was miserable where he was and he loves his new job!
I am thankful everyday for healthy, happy, kids and an amazing husband!
I am thankful for my familys health
I am thankful for every day that I am on this earth. God blesses me with life after a terrible disease so every day is a blessing.
I am very thankful for my incredibly loving and understanding family who is always there for me even during my sick days!
I am thankful for my Lord and Savior who never leaves me or forsakes me. I am thankful to be newly married this year to an amazing man of God.
Like most who have posted, I’m thankful for a wonderful family!
I’m thankful for a new home!
I’m so thankful that my mom is cancer free this year. I’m also thankful for the genetic testing that is allowing me to be proactive with my health. I am BRCA 1 positive. I just had my ovaries removed a little over 5 weeks ago and bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction begins in January. I am truly thankful that breast and ovarian cancer are not in my future.
I’m thankful we are having another precious baby boy!
I am so so so thankful for my first born son, and the generous support of my husband.
I am Blessed to have a wonderful family, I am so very Thankful for each and everyone of them God has given me!
I am thankful for my wonderful family.
I am thankful for my husband.
I am thankful for family,friends, a growing business, health and the God’s provisions.
I’m thankful for good health, great friends, and a loving family
I am thankful for life in general, every day is a gift. I am thankful I have 2 healthy productive children and 1 plus one on the way grandchildren. I am thankful I also have this opportunity to win this fridge for my daughter who is in need of a new one!
Thank you Metro and Mamma’s
I’m thankful for the air I breath, the song I sing, my babies I get to hold and for a good man to love!
I am very thankful I had the opportunity to take an early retirement package earlier this year. Now I have more time to pursue my passions and reinvent myself! I’m also very thankful I live in Northwest Arkansas, and especially during these gorgeous fall days!
I’m thankful for a wonderful husband and daughter!
Also thankful for a new job!
Has been an exciting year!
Thankful for good health, a loving family and my heavenly father who is always with me!
I am so thankful that I have 4 healthy children, a wonderful husband, and the gift of being a stay-at-home mom.
I am thankful that we (not the bank) now own two cars after only having one for several years.
I’m thankful for my healthy and happy family. Our newest little blessing has been the perfect addition to our clan.
I am thankful for the blessings of family and friends -life is too short to spend it with people that do not value you ! Praises to God for open hearts and unbreakable bonds
This has been a pretty tough year, mostly for the loss our family suffered in the Spring. But through it all, I am very thankful that my father is no longer in pain and that I was able to be there for his last days. I am thankful that I am employed, and with a caring, family-oriented company. I am thankful for my husband, my children, my family. I know that I am lucky, very lucky.
I am thankful for the opportunity to become debt free. It is a long and hard process but thanks to my family I was able to do this in less than a year.
I’m thankful for so many things, a wonderful husband, amazing children, a great job, a fun community… the list could keep going!!
I’m very thankful I was able retire earlier this year! I’m also very thankful that I live in one of the most beautiful areas of the country with my family and many amazing friends close by! God has truly blessed me in many ways!!
I’m thankful for so many things; a wonderful husband, amazing children, a great job, a fun community… the list could keep going!!
I am thankful for opportunities. Opportunities to serve, opportunities for growth, opportunities for improvement, and obviously opportunities to win. 🙂
Happy to have a healthy family and for my husband and I to be able to provide for our two boys!!
I am very thankful to have been able to attend a family reunion on October 26. I saw first and second cousins and their families. Some I hadn’t seen in 30 plus years! What a tremendous blessing to be able to travel to Mississippi to see my family! An additional blessing was to locate the cemetery where my grandparents were buried. It was 1972 when I was last there.
So thankful for my amazing family and our new home.
I am thankful for the closer relationship I have built with my Dad this past year.
I am thankful for the opportunity to be a mom, and for the addition of a son-in-law to our family this past summer.
I am thankful that my brother is expecting his second girl!! The world needs more girls to spoil!
I’m thankful for a lot this year but the thing that comes to mind first is my and my family’s wonderful health. I had a scare this year and had to have some tests run, but thankfully everything came back negative. So, so thankful for this and the fact that my family is very healthy!
I am thankful we had our 3rd son this year!
I’m thankful for a second lease on life.
I’m thankful I survived a heart attack and surgery, so I can continue to watch my grandchildren grow. I am also grateful that I still have both my parents.
I am thankful for being a child of God. Without Him, I wouldn’t/couldn’t be thankful for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me!
I’m thankful that our foundation, thanks to all that donate, was able to send a US Navy man home to see his father who is very ill and may not make it. He is spending much needed time with his father not knowing how long he has. Grateful we were able to do that for him and his father.
I’m thankful for my family and friends.
I’m thankful for my family and our newest baby! I’m also thankful that even though he was early he is growing big and strong!!
I am blessed! I am extremely thankful for my neighbors who are an extension of my family. We are a group of moms that are here in NWA without our families. They have been there in so many ways, from mopping my floor when sick to mopping up my tears when having a bad day or mom moment. I truly believe god put these ladies in my life I am very thankful:)
I am thankful for my famiky and my new job! I am so much closer to home and have the opportunity to be a much better mommy!!
I am thankful for the opportunity to become healthier as a family.
I’m thankful for my beautiful children that make me so proud every day!
I am thankful for my husband. He sacrifices his energy and time to let me be a stay at home mom with our now 5 month old and her 3 older siblings. He was a able to find a second job to make ends meet. I am so blessed to have a man like him in my life.
I’m thankful for my wonderful family
I’m thankful that my children and my children’s children are happy and healthy!
I’m so thankful for my husband..
I am thankful my son is reading and thankful for a summer vacation to a beach with old friends.
I am thankful for our new home that we just purchased last week! It’s a remodel and all of the appliances have to be replaced. I would be so excited to win a new fridge!
I’m thankful for my awesome husband and sweet, healthy kids!
I am thankful for my mom’s new home, my sister’s fiance returning safely from Iraq, and my baby brother recently moving to the area. It has been a great year!
I am thankful I was able to celebrate my grandfather’s 95th birthday!!
I am thankful for my cancer-surviving daddy! Cancer stinks and I love seeing people beating it!!!!
I am thankful for my husband who does more than his share to make our family great! He is truly my other half 🙂
I am grateful that our youngest’s 4-year medical journey is over!! “Normalcy, here we come!!”
I am thankful for God’s providence. I am also thankful for my family.
I am thankful that God has provided a way for my family. When it has come down to the wire, He has always made a way and provided for us. I have 3 wonderful children and a devoted husband and for those wonderful blessing I am also thankful.
I am thankful for healthy children, especially my healthy grandchildren!
I am thankful for my family!
I’m thankful for my family. They bring me great joy
I am thankful that a friend’s adoption was finally approved after three long years of waiting!
I am thankful for all the family that came together to support each other when our father-in-law passed away in September
I”m thankful to still have a job to provide for my family. With all the cuts in healthcare funding, I am always potentially on the shortlist.
I am thankful for the moments that remind me of all the wonderful gifts and treasures I have in my lufe. From the times I wake up sqiushed between 2 dogs and 2 kids to the times I realize the birth of my second child showed me that their is such a thing as perfection and an over abundance of joy.
I’m thankful for my healthy family !
I’m thankful for my God and my family.
Very thankful that the car wreck that totaled our car this Summer didn’t seriously injure the kids or I who were inside the car at the time. Heavenly Father watches over us!
I am thankful for my healthy loving family
I am thankful for my sweet little family! They are a blessing every single day!
I am thankful to live near family and be able to spend time with them. After 5 years in New York, it’s wonderful to see them so often!
I am very Thankful for getting the opportunity to return to school and almost be finished
I’m thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my baby boy. Being a stay at home mom is the biggest blessing!
So thankful for my large family. Who could use a new fridge!!
Thankful for FaceTime with my grandchildren.
We live a distance away & it is wonderful to see their faces when we talk
I am thankful for every day I can share with my family and friends.
I am thankful for the new baby boy we were surprised with this year, as well as my wonderful husband and our three other beautiful boys God has blessed us with.
I am thankful that my family was able to spend almost two weeks with my grandmas and other relatives in ND this past summer!
I am thankful that my husband and I were able to buy a house. Now it just needs new appliances!
I am thankful that I BEAT breast cancer this year!
I’m thankful for everyday with my family and all God has given me.
I’m thankful for my family, friends, and good health!
I’m thankful for my beautiful healthy daughter and wonderful husband! I’m also thankful for the opportunity to finish my schooling and become a real estate agent.
Thankful for God’s blessings and one of those is my family…hubby and son and daughter. The kitchen is the heart of the house and a new fridge would be another blessing. Thank you!!!
I am thankful for beautiful everyday moments. Thankful that this year has just been sweet.
I am thankful for my wonderful family!
I am thankful for husband and my 5 children. Also so thankful to have so many great friends in my life!
I am thankful that my daughter got into the elementary school we wanted. She is doing great and made the transition easily.
Thankful always for my healthy family!
I am SO thankful for my wonderful, giving husband, my 4 awesome sons and their wives, and my 7 beautiful grandchildren. Life is good!
I am so thankful for God’s grace in my life this year and every year! I am also thankful for my family. I am truly blessed and highly favored because of my heritage my father is The King of Kings that makes me royalty!
I am thankful for my incredible family and for a God who gives us countless blessings.
I’m thankful for my amazing husband who is on this crazy journey with me… Very blessed to have him!! We are about to embark upon renovating a 100 year old farm house and this would ROCK!!!! Crossing all of my fingers!!
I am thankful that our community is so supportive of those in need.
I am grateful that my husband was able to complete school and get a stable job to support our growing family. Looking forward to the opportunity to buy a house in a few months and would love to be able to put a fridge inside!!
Thankful for a grandbaby!
I am thankful for our great nation and for the service members who constantly sacrifice to keep us safe!
I am thankful for my sons, who daily inspire me to be better.
I am grateful for all the positive changes I have seen in members of my family. I thank God for the work I see Him doing in our lives.
I am thankful for the precious smiles of my two granddaughters. Priceless.
I’m so very thankful or my children!
I am thankful for my husband and the hard work he puts into running his own business to provide for our family.
Thankful for my grand babies being healthy!!
I am thankful that my daughter, who is a Senior in High School, is on top of all the paperwork and details that it takes to get signed up for college and scholarships. I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that she is leaving and she has taken a burden off my shoulders. I am thankful and proud of her.
I am thankful for my happy and healthy new baby girl born in Sept. Making us a family of four!
I am so thankful that all my children were nearby this summer, and for the sweet time with our grandchildren!
Healthy kids, a roof over our heads (we lost our home in the bank of America foreclosure scandal) great mdo class.
Thankful for health and family!!
I am so incredibly thankful that I got to marry my husband this year! He is the most amazing person I have ever met.
I am thankful for my mom and dad. We have not always agreed, but they are the best parents. They have taught me so much about how to live. The kind of person that God would have me to be. They exemplified what a good mom and dad were supposed to be. I love you mama and daddy!
I am thankful for amazing friends that have been there for me and for the amazing faith that God can do with difficult circumstances.
I’m thankful I was able to go on vacation with my little brother who is mentally disabled … seeing fun adventures through his eyes was truly amazing!
I’m so thankful for the friends I have made through JDRF, since our son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes!
I am thankful to be here with my family. They are wonderful and fill my life with happiness and love.
I’m thankful my mom survived chemo and radiation and such a serious neck surgery .. A long road ahead but things are looking up!!
I am so very blessed to have the opportunity to teach wonderful kindergartners.
I am very thankful for support and friendships old and new! I am also thankful for my new job, new friends and co-workers at Uptown Eyes in Fayetteville!
I am thankful for my first grandbaby that was born January 30, 2013. She has brought more joy than I ever imagined. I love my Brynnley Kate!
I am so thankful for my 2 kids and my fiancé. We have been thru a lot together. We don’t have a fridge of our own and could use one.
Thankful for another day and another chance to get it right!
I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to purchase a house this week for my son and I. I am a single mother and love that God allowed me to provide this security for my family. I am truly blessed!
I’m thankful for God’s provisions. We’ve been given scholarships, raises, and new jobs this year to help make ends meet!
I am thankful for my 5 month old son and an amazing husband who has been a great hands on father for our beautiful son!
This year I am thankful for the arrival of our son – that makes 4 boys 5y and under! Also very blessed and thankful to be able to be a stay at home mom for the first time!
So thankful for first year of kindergarten going well!
I am thankful for my wonderful family and spending our first Christmas in our new home. This would be wonderful!
I am thankful for my boys and great husband! My hubby is our cook and kitchen cleaner – and we couldn’t make it without him! He would be super thankful for a new refrigerator!
I am thankful that after 40 years of waiting, praying, and believing I recieved the man of my dreams, my one and only husband, John Charles Deckert….. Thankful for him.
I am thankful after starting bankruptcy that I still have my house and my wonderful kids and husband.
I am thankful for a healthy family in 2013.
I am thankful for my children and loving husband.
I am so thankful I have been accepted into the accelerated degree program a ATU.
I am thankful for family.
I am thankful that my mom survived the head-on collision she had when she came up here in August to see me on my birthday…she broke her neck, skull and ribs but she is still here with us! I am thankful for my home and the job I have at a children’s clinic…it doesn’t pay a lot so I have to save for years to get furniture or appliances (I’m 34 years old and after 3 years of saving just got my first washer dryer!) But I’m thankful to be able to help the kids I work for and I know right now is my time to be single in my life so I’m thankful for these beautiful days too!
Since the day our daughter was born in 1987, I’ve never had the type of joy that I experiences 2 days ago when my first grandchild was born. I am so thankful for my grandson, Kyler, and his wonderful mom and dad – my daughter Lindsay and son-in-law Michael. They’re awesome parents. I am also thankful for the full circle – my awesome godly husband David. What a loving family you will know, baby Kyler. I am soooo thankful and sooooooo blessed!
I am thankful for my healthy children.
Thankful for my family
I am thankful for my family and our good health
I have a LOT to be thankful for, but the first thing that comes to mind is the healthy little girl wiggling and growing inside me!
I am thankful for my health, but most of all my family and what they all mean to me !
I am thankful that I was able to buy a new/used vehicle that is dependable for me and my family. I am also thankful that me and my children are healthy. I love this fridge! I need a new one and this would be perfect!
I am thankful for God’s grace in my life and the life of my family. Everyday is a wonder that we are able to make it and I know that is only by God’s grace that we are doing as well as we are… because we are faithful and do all things in his name.
I am thankful for my children’s health. We’ve had a very rough month, several bouts with strep and our youngest had scarlet fever. Thankfully though he is on the upswing and doing so much better.
Thankful my 10 year old son is loving school this year.
I am thankful for fun shopping opportunities with friends! Looking forward to the Boutique show!!
I am thankful for my daughter’s commitment to Christ and her baptism, I’m thankful that my son is doing well in school, I’m thankful for the creative spirit of my youngest son, I’m thankful for my wonderful husband who is my biggest fan.
I am thankful that God has provided a way for me to continue home schooling my course children as a single mother, and for the love and support from our friends since my husband passed away.
I am thankful for the early summer rains and again in mid July to provide an abundance of produce in our garden this past summer. We were able to share with family, friends and neighbors and still yet put quite a bit in the freezer.
2 healthy children!
I am very thankful for the health of my family, plus the new addition of my healthy baby girl in August. Our family is complete and full. I’m also thankful for the way in which God worked with me getting to quit my job and stay home with my three year old and new baby. Everything happens for a reason!
I’m thankful for the birth of a healthy daughter in July.
I am so very thankful for my wonderful family.
I’m thankful for my wonderful and crazy family!
I”m thankful for my warm home, family and good food!
I am thankful for the love of my family & friends!
I’m so thankful For my daughters hair and mine! No we are not cancer patients. Kylee was Attacked by a dog earlier this year and most of her stitches and staples had to go in her scalp. We thought they were going to have to shave her head so I told her that I would get the same haircut. Amazingly the doctor did not! It took me over 18 hours to untangle her hair. Her long beautiful hair is a blessing, even when it’s a hot mess. Mine is a bonus.
So very thankful for my beautiful little family and wonderful friends!