Note from the mamas: Congratulations to Heron Martin, winner of the bike racks!
Do you ever walk into your garage and feel totally stressed out when you see all the disorder and ugly concrete stains?
Garages can get junky fast, especially when there’s not a place for everything and everything in its place. To create order, you will need some help. That’s where My Arkansas Garage — which has been designing custom garages for nine years — comes in. (See how they organized the garage in the pic above? Ahhhhhh.)
Did you know your garage is the new front door? My Arkansas Garage also installs custom flooring that provides a beautiful, high quality, stain resistant, durable and easy-to-clean surface. Besides coming home to a beautiful garage floor, custom flooring will also allow you to use the garage as an additional bonus room when needed as well as for parties or holiday gatherings.
The company can also help you with overhead storage, built-in cabinets and wall storage.
Bicycles take up LOTS of room in the garage and freeing up that space can make a world of difference when parking vehicles and having room to move around.
For those of you who are tired of tripping over your bikes (and we bet some kids will be receiving bikes for Christmas, so this will be perfect for those families!) today’s giveaway will make you happy.
My Arkansas Garage will install TWO vertical bike racks for some lucky NWA mama for free! This is a value of $300.
Whether it’s a one-of a-kind racing bike or your favorite everyday bike, a vertical bike rack is a great solution for getting them up and out of the way. The bike will hang vertically and off the garage floor. You can rotate the bike to fit against the wall. See:

MORE ABOUT MY ARKANSAS GARAGE: As the experts in garage organization, the My Arkansas Garage team has transformed garages into beautiful, efficient spaces utilizing high quality garage floor coatings, ‘real’ garage cabinets, and organizer systems along with years of garage renovation expertise. They use only the highest quality materials, construction methods, and professional installation procedures to achieve the best results. For instance, their high-quality flooring solutions are more durable than your standard DIY epoxy floor paints. The custom cabinets include various finishes like stainless steel, cherry, maple, steel, and colorful European-style contour cabinets.
As they say at My Arkansas Garage: “We customize garages…any style, any color, any size. Let the experts make it more than just a garage!”
In NWA, call them at 479-936-9735 to get a free estimate.

HOW TO ENTER: To throw your name in the online hat to win the two bike racks, click the words “post a comment” below and tell us what you would LOVE to see My Arkansas Garage do to transform your garage. CLICK HERE to visit their website to see all their services. They have lots of great pictures to enjoy.
INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: If you’d like to increase your odds of winning, just email friends and family about the giveaway and CC us so we’ll be sure to give you credit. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for each person you tell. The email is giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.
(You can also earn an extra chance to win by signing up to receive the free email newsletter we send once a week. Click here to sign up.)
Looking forward to reading your comments, mamas! Remember that winners for giveaways are ALWAYS chosen at random. Watch your email inbox because we’ll notify the winner next week. Good luck!
Note from the mamas: The My Arkansas Garage gift card will expire on Jan. 31, 2015, and the winner must be a resident living between Bella Vista and Fayetteville.
We are a family with many bikes and I would love to see them all organized neatly in my garage!
I would love those bike racks in my garage – husband might want the floor stained as well!
I need them to take on my entire garage. We’re in dire need of some organization out there.
We have a family of 4 and our bikes would LOVE a place to hang to keep out of the way except when were out riding them!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter to win!! Merry Christmas!!
Oh my GAWD you don’t know. Tools, crafting area, furniture, paranormal hunting equipment, astronomy equipment. We are in serious need of organization. But bikes would be a great start!!!
Our garage is a disaster and could use all of your wonderful solutions! It’s a spider cave!
I would love to win garage bike racks. They would help us free up some space in our garage and shed!
our bikes would LOVE a place to hang to keep out of the way except when were out riding them!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter to win!! Merry Christmas!!
Oh my goodness!!! This would be so helpful, our bikes are squished in our garage where ever we can find and empty spot!!! This would be amazing thing to have and a step closer to organizing our garage!!!
We would love the bike organizer!! It would make the garage look so much nicer!
I would love, love to be able to pull into the garage and everyone get out of the car without banging their doors on bikes or our other car. I can totally relate to feeling stressed by the state of our garage!
I would love to win the bike racks. My husband spent one day this summer painting the entire garage and now it needs to be organized.
Would love the bike racks and could really use a lot of organization in our garage!
Besides bike racks, my husband has been planning to have someone seal the garage floor.
This would help organize our bikes and free up some garage floor space!
We live in a small 800 square foot home and so we really really need to maximize any and all storage space in the shed. Really mounting the bikes to the wall frees up a ton of space.
I would love to have My Arkansas Garage help me out with the giant bike mess in my garage!!
These would be put to use immediately. Awesome
I would love to have My Arkansas Garage fix my blunder! When we moved into our house, my husband spent a lot of time and money to coat our garage floor and it looked gorgeous! Last year, I had a painting project where I was using a paint sprayer (yes I covered most of the floor). When I pulled up the floor covering, I found a layer of paint all over the floor! Now it needs to be redone! One way to begin that process is getting the bikes off the floor!
3 people 6 bikes… The way these racks rotate is very interesting…. Our very sad 70’s garage isn’t actually big enough for a car (at least not if you plan to get out once you park)…. so I would Love to see new flooring, a window, better storage, and a work space for our bikes and other projects….. it also floods when we get those sudden spring rains…….
Great giveaway!
I’m always tripping over the bikes.
Our garage is a combination of cars, workshop, and storage. I would love to have designated spaces for everything rather than everything piled and spilling into each others’ spaces! Bikes are a huge problem with 5 of them!
I just moved in late August and have been searching for bike storage options for my garage. These are super cool and would be a great way to improve my garage!
Our garage is over-run with bikes and scooters. I’d love help with them – and the lawnmower. Can they hang that on a wall?
We are a family of 5 living in a small house, so our garage has become the main place for storage. From bikes, baby gear and decorations, it has everything but a place to park. These bike racks would be an amazing start to a much needed project.
we have three kids and tons of bikes!! would love to see them off the floor
Bike racks would be awesome. My entire garage could use a complete overhaul. :0)
My garage could use this bike organization system. It is a small space and with the kids toys, bikes and wheelchair equipment, there is no room for a car.
Would love this bike organizer for our growing family. We could definetlu use some help getting our garage in order.
The floor and the walls! The entire garage could use an overhaul. It always looks cluttered
Our garage is so disorganized! Would love some help to get it in good shape.
Would love to have a new floor and bike racks!!!
We have a ping pong table in our garage. I would love to clear some more floorspace for playing by organizing all the other items and activities we keep in the garage.
Our Family lives to hit the Fayrtteville Trail system. I would live for these racks to be in our new garage to store the bikes between family adventures.
I would love an entire garage makeover!! Fun Fun!!
Would love to see our bike hanging on a rack
I would love to see Arkansas Garage arrange it so that 3 cars can fit in my 3 car garage. The space is there, but we just can’t seem to configure it right.
This is the perfect Christmas gift for my husband!
We need something to get the bikes off of the floor and out of the way. There are 4 that have to be moved any time we want to get to the tools.
My garage needs an organization makeover desperately! This would be such a huge help, since I never have time to clean the garage!
Bike racks would be a great start to control the mayhem! That husband of mine would be very happy
A recent college grad in early 30s & single mama of 2 active little girls would appreciate the opportunity to have something “extra”! I could never afford to invest in something like bike racks because I’m so busy trying to match furniture inside our home and still pay to keep my girls in the activities they love! We are very new to the world of house and garage living, as we lived in an apartment during my schooling. I think the bike racks would not only help with clutter, but it would prolong the use of the bikes by protecting them from falling or knocking into things. I hope we win!
I would love to organize our garage!
We NEED this!!! We’re a family of 5, all of who have bikes! Three of our bikes don’t even really have a “home” so they get shuffled around. This would be a huge help!
We are in dire need of more organized garage storage…my husband would love to be able to park his car in the garage
Would love to see these in our garage! Having knocked our oldest daughters bike over again yesterday when trying to open the car door…our garage could really put these to great use!!!
I need the bike holders.
Oh my goodness, this is the answer to so many frustrating trips and falls that have happened in our garage. What a wonderful giveaway!
I would love to have bikes off the floor and some organization.
Would love new flooring, wall paneling due to all the holes, and bike racks!
I would so love a garage makeover!! My husband is self employed and all of his work equipment is in our garage .. Would love to reorganize!!
This would be so helpful in getting our garage organized.
not only does my garage need this help, I do too!
this is a great solution for s family of 5 in a two car garage. Just getting the cars in the garage is a challenge some days!
We would love to have a more organized garage, and with growing kids the gear is only getting better! This would be a joy to my very organized hubby!
We would love an organized garage!