The NWA Boutique Show is hands-down, one of our favorite shopping events.
We’re always blown away by the creativity of the merchants and it’s always great to get some of our Christmas shopping done a little early. This year, the show is on Nov. 7-8 and if you’ve never been, we’re telling you: make plans to go.
We love being a media sponsor of this show and we always have a booth with a knockout giveaway. Hint: It’s so COOL this year! (More about that later.) Right now let’s talk about the CURRENT giveaway that’s starting today.
We’re giving away away 5 ticket bundles, so 5 different mamas will win! Each bundle includes 2 VIP passes ($40 value), 5 general admission passes ($15 value) and 1 $15 merchant gift certificate to be used at the show. That’s a total bundle value of $70!
ABOUT THE VIP SHOPPING EVENT: The VIP event will be Friday, Nov. 7, from 9-11 a.m. and benefits the Junior League of Northwest Arkansas.
As a VIP, you’ll get first dibs on all the fabulous shopping and be treated to live music and treats from Mama Carmen’s Espresso Café and Ozark Natural Foods.
You’ll also receive a swag bag filled with goodies + free return general admission* ALL weekend and the chance to win hundreds of amazing door prizes.
Each of the 5 nwaMotherlode winners will receive a $15 gift card from one of following NWA Boutique Show merchants:

HOW TO ENTER: If you’d love to win one of these 5 special NWA Boutique Show bundles, click on the words “post a comment” below and tell us about something awesome you’ve purchased at the boutique show sometime in the past 10 years (yes, this is their 10th anniversary!) or which booths you’re most excited about shopping this time. If you’ve never attended, just tell us which booth(s) you plan to visit at the show this year. CLICK HERE to see the full list of fall 2014 merchants.
INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: If you’d like to increase your odds of winning one of these 5 Boutique Show bundles, share! Email friends and family about the giveaway and CC us so we’ll be sure to give you credit. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for each person you tell. The email is
(You can also earn an extra chance to win by signing up to receive the free email newsletter we send once a week. The sign-up box is at the top right of this page.)
BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
The Boutique Show ladies are adding something extra special fun this year:
Cookies With Santa
Saturday, 11/8, 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Santa will be on hand to pose with the kids in his sled. Moms, feel free to take your own photos of this special visit. Milk and cookies for the children are donated by Highland Dairy and South Coast Baking Company. Bell ringers will be on hand and additional donations to The Salvation Army are welcomed.
CLICK HERE to visit the NWA Boutique Show website to read more about the event and to purchase VIP or Girls’ Night Out tickets.
Good luck, ladies! We’ll alert our 5 winners via email next week, so be watching your inbox for a note from the mamas!
This is one of my very favorite giveaways ever!! I *LOVE* the NWA Boutique Show- I’ve bought lots of fab things there- the holiday decorations (wreaths, Christmas stuff), clothes for men (Razorback ties from Heather Your Nest!) and clothes and accessories for woman (Wit & Whimsy!) and kids (Meagan Lee) are SO FUN and perfect for Christmas giving!!
(I’m also excited to W I N whatever you girls are giving away!).
So I’ve got a list of places to shop this year (If I could get in for VIP- how fabulous would that be?!) but it’s lengthy:
Wit & Whimsy
Meagan Lee
Katie Goodwin
Altered Ego
Swanky Sooie
Pink Tomato
Vintage Violet
(just to name a few)>
And of course I follow on pinterest and FB and Twitter… aren’t you on IG? Thank you for the opportunity too!! XO
I’ve never been. Would love be this!!
Commented on Facebook. Also follow you on Twitter and Pintrest
I’m excited to see all the baby booths since I’m pregnant!!! I love the show and go every year with my bestie. I signed up for the wkly newsletter 🙂
My favorite find at the boutique show was a cabinet that had been painted bright pink and turned into a bow holder. It goes perfectly in my girls’ bathroom and it gave me space to buy more bows!
I love this boutique show! I would like to visit Vintage Crush this year for sure.
I follow nwaMotherlode on Pinterest
Commented on facebook. 🙂
A few years ago I purchased some t-shirts from the BoyMom booth. Love!
Thank you “Mommas” for this opportunity!
Some of my favorite finds were: an ornament from Katie Goodwin, a Hog outfit for my little girl from Pink Lilli , and we got some knit hats from a vendor that I love! I follow you on Twitter, Pinterest and get the newsletter. I commented on FB too!
I love my Razorback and Arkansas cookie cutters! Swanky Sooie always has cute stuff!
I can’t see my previous long-winded comment. 🙂 I have a whole list of booths to visit for Christmas shopping
Also I follow on pinterest
And twitter 🙂
I also commented on facebook and emailed some of my friends about it (so far!) 😉
Where are my comments from this morning? Are these going through? THOUSANDS of apologies if they all show up at once in the middle of the night or something :/
I was fortunate enough to go with my friend to this awesome show. We purchased green initial chevron scarves. It was so much fun speaking with all the vendors in this show. There is a lot of creativity and work put into this shopping dream. I appreciate each vendor and everyone who has made this event happen very much. I would love to win and take my friend to return the favor! It’s Great Friend and Mom time! 🙂
Thank You!
LOVE this show. Missed it last year and I was so upset. I like the unique ornaments I’ve purchased in the past. Plus, I can always find something for that hard to buy friend of mine! Pick me, please 🙂
Oh gosh! I have never been to this show, but I just looked at the list and squealed in excitement! I can’t wait to attend so I can get my little girl some awesome stuff!! I get your weekly emails and love them!
I follow you guys on twitter and pinterest already! I commented on facebook also!! 🙂
I’ve never been! Excited about visiting several booths, but my top three are:
Freckles & Sunshine
Katie Goodwin Art
Swanky Sooie
Already follow you on Facebook and Instagram!
I always love shopping at Swanky Sooie! I also picked up some yummy food mixes at a booth last year. Looking forward to checking out Katie Goidwin’s booth this year.
I follow you on Twitter, Pinterest, & Facebook. I commented on your Facebook post about this giveaway. I also receive your newsletter. I sent an email & copied you on it. Hope I win! Thanks for this giveaway. 🙂
Excited to see Katie Goodwin ‘ s booth. LOVE her stuff!
I’ve never been and REALLY want to go. I can’t wait to check out Gingiber
Looking forward to attending this with my three daughters from Faytteville, Benton and Oklahoma. A fun girls & mom weekend of shopping! I’ve never attended , but I am excited to finally be able to come! On my must see list are Vintage Crush, Katie Goodwin Art and Sara Kathryn’s booths. Our group would love to win one of your giveaways!
I love Roustabout Boutique! They always have the coolest handmade stuff!
I an excited to go look at Ozark Mountain Leather. I love leather working and tooling, plus the smell of leather is just wonderful
I’ve never been before, but I would like to check out the Freckles and Sunshine booth.
I follow on Facebook, Twitter and PInterest
I went last year for the first time, and gad a blast. I would love to go again and take a few friends that have never been. My mother no linger lives here so this would be a great opportunity to get her to come and visit.
Loved Martha and Mary, Red Door, and Rodan & fields.
I’ve never been, but it looks awesome. I’d love to check out Simply Home Signs & Decor’s booth. I follow you all on facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
I’ve never been, but I LOVE Vintage Crush. Follow on pinterest and receive newsletter. Commented on Facebook.
I’ve never been but would love to attend. I see numerous booths I’d want to visit: Katie Goodwin, Gingiber,and more!
I’ve never attended a boutique show, would love to see what it is like. My neice showed me some great outfits she had purchased from Vintage Crush. Beautiful clothing!