10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)
By Bro. John L. Cash
Most Christians I’ve met look for things to enrich their “quiet times” with the Lord. Susan and I have a resource we both think is excellent. It’s the ministry of Still Waters Radio. You can find it by going to www.rejoice.org and then clicking on the Still Waters link.
The station has a basic premise; the programming consists of instrumental arrangements of hymns and spiritual songs. Sometimes I hook my laptop into an external speaker system, and pipe the music through our entire home. Other times, Susan and I just listen using a cell phone. Either way, it’s a valuable asset. Something about it brings a helpful, spiritual ambiance to our house.
I’ve had other preachers tell me I’m unbearably old-fashioned and corny in my religious beliefs. I’ll plead guilty to this. For instance, Jesus said that when a rich man and Lazarus both died, the angels came and got Lazarus and took him to Abraham’s bosom. Because of this, I personally believe that when I die, there’s a good chance angels will (literally) come and take me home. So when it gets close to “my time to go,” I’m going to be watching for them.
Likewise, I attach spiritual power to the music of our faith. It could be that listening to Still Waters only calms me down psychologically. But I believe it has a greater effect than just that. Whenever I play instrumental hymns, it seems like the devil (and any of his helpers) just leave the house for awhile. (They probably don’t like hearing all those songs that praise God.) I won’t force this belief on you but intend to keep up my practice of listening to it. The influence is just so profound.
I want to say, too, that I don’t listen to the radio station all the time. I don’t think God wants that from us. The Bible teaches us to sit and be quiet sometimes. But at other times we need to stand up, and walk, and speak—and to work for Him. (One time in the Scriptures, Moses was on his face praying before God, and the Lord told him to “get up” and go.) After all, there’s a time to be fed, and there’s a time to work off what you’ve eaten!
A constant barrage of COVID news can discourage even the most cheerful saint. This week, take a little time to sit beside the still waters and know that He is God.
Dr. John L. Cash is the “Country Preacher Dad.” He was raised in Stuttgart, Arkansas, and has spent the last 34 ½ years being a country preacher in the piney woods five miles south of the little town of Hickory, Mississippi. He’s currently on a sabbatical from the preaching ministry, and is an English teacher at the Choctaw Tribal School. He and his lovely wife, Susan, live in a brick house in town (where the Preacher is trying to learn to cook on a pellet grill in this time of social-distancing.) You can send him a note at brotherjohn@ilovechurchcamp.com.