Name: Helen Burch
Kids’ names and ages: Parker-7, Paxton-5, Paisley-7 months
What brought you to NWA and how long have you lived here? My husband works for Walmart and transferred here. I moved here at the end of July 2016.
Where are you from? Originally I’m from Montana. But we lived in North Carolina for the last 15 years.
Do you feel like you’re plugged in yet? Getting there. Having a great church – Fellowship – and this website has been a huge blessing.
What are your favorite things to do in Northwest Arkansas so far? I love spending time with friends and our kids, attending outdoor events like First Friday movie night, the film festival, farmers markets, and eating at new places!
Do you have any fun summer plans with the kids?
We just went to Great Wolf Lodge. Mostly we spend a lot of time at our neighborhood pool or at the Bentonville Community Center pool. I am always checking your website for more fun ideas.
The boys both did the obstacle race recently that I heard about from your site! We plan to attend movie nights, and parks, and visits with family close by along with a trip to Texas to visit family.
Tell us about a day in your life: Well being a stay-at-home mom is new to me. I’ve always worked full time as a Dental Hygienist until we moved here. Getting pregnant with our third baby was a surprise and a blessing. I intended to go right back to work, but it isn’t where I’m meant to be right now. So I work very part time and enjoy being a mom.
Since it’s summer my typical day is to let the kids sleep in. They all wake at different times. Then it’s breakfast and off to the gym. I love working out. I have my own business as a Health Coach as well, and love helping other people live healthy active lifestyles.
After the gym it is time to feed the always hungry littles. Usually that’s at home, but sometimes we like to meet up with friends at Chick-fil-A! Yum! Then it’s play time. I like to keep us active so it’s usually the pool now that it’s getting a little too warm for the park. We spend 2-3 hours playing in the water before it’s home for dinner.
The boys both are finishing up baseball this week so often the evenings were practice or games. We like to end the night with family time. So that’s usually a game we can all play (Monopoly is on the table now), or a show we all like to watch.
Baby girl usually calls it a night at 7:30pm. Then it’s bath time and flossing and brushing our teeth with the boys. Then stories and cuddles and prayers. They seem to have endless energy. And the time is flying by. I’m just enjoying the ride.
What was the last song you sang along with?
Soul on Fire. Oh my gosh. They make me turn it up so loud and they sing so loud. I love it!!!
If you could meet someone famous in person, who would it be?
Working out and scrapbooking.
What’s something your friends might not know about you?
I’m scared of the dark. Like my imagination goes into over drive.
What’s a sure-fire way for you to wind down and relax?
Read a book
What is the most important thing you want people to remember about you?
That I loved being a mom and wife
One word to sum me up:
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801 N Dixieland Road, Rogers, 479-621-6800
- 3706 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy, Rogers, 479-464-9060
- E. Pleasant Grove Rd., Lowell, 479-659-7100
- 350 E. Centerton Blvd., (Hwy 102), Centerton, 479-795-4200
- 2638 E Joyce, Suite 1 Fayetteville, 479-856-7800