Mamas on Magic 107.9: Exotic family pets
If you missed today’s Mamas on Magic segment this morning at 7:45 a.m. on Magic 107.9, click the blue bar below to hear it now. Exotic family pets January 18, 2013
If you missed today’s Mamas on Magic segment this morning at 7:45 a.m. on Magic 107.9, click the blue bar below to hear it now. Exotic family pets January 18, 2013
Ever miss those days when you sat in a rocking chair and snuggled a newborn? Most mamas do, which is why sometimes a new family dog is just what a mama needs when her human […]
Want a family pet but not quite ready for dog hair on the sofa or the challenges of keeping a litter box cleaned?We get it. Click the blue bar below to hear about the low […]
It’s winter, and that means more kids are bundling up in hats and scarves and it also means that it’s more likely that one of your kids might come home with a dreaded case of… […]
By Jade Stone, Military Mama The phrase “My how time flies” seems to be my anthem this year, at least in most things besides the deployment. It feels like so very long ago since I […]
We know that parenting a pet or two in addition to kids can have its challenges. The pitfalls of having a pet have taken center stage at hilarious websites like dogshaming.com, where the photo above […]
We LOVE our furry babies here at nwaMotherlode.com, so this week we’re talking about how pets can be great for kids. Of course, there are a few things to know before you take the plunge […]
We know some of you have been sick with various ailments lately — including the dreaded flu. Well, chicken soup has been proven to help people heal faster. Shannon’s interior designer friend, Beverly Odom, has […]
18 ¶ Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably. Hebrews 13:18 (NKJV) By Bro. John L. Cash, “Country Preacher Dad” Did you […]
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 On New Year’s Day, we heard the tell-tale scratching behind the wall in an upstairs closet. We’ve heard that sound two other times during the seven […]
OK, we still remember how exciting it was when our parents bought a VCR — and a microwave. They seemed pretty high-tech at the time. Today in our Mamas on Magic segment we chat about […]
We love to see what different book clubs are reading around town. Below is a book list from the Fayetteville MOM’S Club in case you’d like to read a few of their picks! The group […]
So how are you REALLY doing with those New Year’s Resolutions? We’re 10 days into January. Confession time: Yesterday the mamas ate a big bowl of spinach dip at Marketplace Grill, ate lots of “bite-sized” […]
We hop you’re enjoying Tech Week on the radio! Today we talked about some great apps for parents and kids. Shannon’s personal favorite is “Sit or squat” which tells you where you’ll find the nearest […]
By Erin Keeley Marshall Do you know how incredible you are? As a mom, you’re the watchtower for the small ones in your home, oftentimes first to recognize subtle signals of unspoken needs. Your mother’s […]
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