HeyTell app is the bomb!

The mamas are loving a new-to-us iPhone app called HeyTell for instant voice messaging. It’s free and you’ll feel like you’re a kid again running around the neighborhood with a walkie-talkie.

Or like a trucker on an all-night, cross-country trek. “10-4, good buddy!”

One of the best things about this app is that it will, once and for all, eliminate ANY excuse for texting in the car. You can just hit your HeyTell app, record a quick message at a red light, and then put that freakin’ phone down, for goodness sake. HeyTell is so much faster than texting and it allows you to use your voice to put emphasis on the parts of the message you want.

Click HERE or on the graphic at right to see a short little demo video of how the app works.

The app also reminded us of the old CBs. We made up our own “handles” and we can often be heard saying things like “Breaker, breaker, Blue Feather. Come in, Blue Feather. Don’t forget we have that lunch appointment today at 11:30 at Bordinos Restaurant on Dickson Street. Over and out.”

You and your buddy will both need the HeyTell app for this to work. But once you get it going, you’re gonna love it! Check it out in iTunes store or in the Android Market.