June Photo Finalists Announced!


The theme for June’s snapshot contest was “On the go,” and we received some great shots of local kids on the move. Thanks so much to all of you who shared your photos with us. The judges have selected a few finalists from among the photos submitted in June, and the three finalists are pictured here: Above… You’ve heard of riding off into the sunset, right? We call this one “scootin’ off into the sunset.”

finalist0003brownjune2010.jpgOn the right, who needs a bike or a horse to ride the range? A riding mower works just as well. Ride ’em cowboy!

Remember that these finalists will be considered for the grand prize, which will be awarded in a few months. The grand prize is a free photo session with photographer Melinda Worthington of MJW Photography. (Click here to see her photography website.) The winner will also get a big 16×20 wall print of her favorite shot from the session with Mindy. Cool!

The theme for photos submitted in July is “Keepin’ it cool!” So send us pictures of kids playing in the water or chilling out with some ice cream or popsicles. Look for more info on thison Thursday the 7th. Submit photos to gwen@nwaMotherlode.com

In the photo below, this looks like a game of hide-and-seek, right? But their mom told us that he is actually pouting because he wants to play on the bridge but his sisters took off to play with the ducks. Sorry, buddy. Two against one… whaddaya gonna do.
