Do you suck at taking selfies? Read this.

I’m not a huge fan of selfies. I admire other people who are good at it, but I’m just not one of them. So, in general, I avoid taking them because 99 percent of the time, I have the crazy-eyes look. It’s frustrating because other people make it look SO easy!

I won’t ever be a frequent selfie-taker, but every now and then, I’d like to be able to take a decent selfie for those times when I get a new haircut and want to send a pic to a friend for an honest opinion on it. That’s why I was pumped to find this article in Readers Digest that is packed full of tips on how to take a good selfie.

I like this resource because there are specific tips on lighting, angles, where to look, what word to say to get a better smile, which side of the phone to use, etc. There are things in this article I would’ve never thought of on my own.

If you want to raise your selfie game, click HERE to read “How To Take an Amazing Selfie Every Time” on the Readers Digest website.