Bath Junkies have a party!


Julia Applegate and her girlfriends are hard-core bath junkies who know how to take a free party and run with it! Julia, a loan officer at Signature Bank (and winner of the Bath Junkie party last month) recently rounded up her friends to hang out together at the Rogers store. The friends (pictured L to R, back row) are Nicole Redden, Katie Eckelhoff, Amber Jones and (L to R, front row) Julia Applegate, Kelsey Hill and Thipp Mhoon.

The first order of business was smoothing their hard-working hands with salt scrub, followed by moisturizing body dessert. Then they tackled the hors d’oeuvres catered by Lea Ann Van Winkle-Gisler of Southern Hospitality Management Company.

junkie2.JPGNWAMotherlode mamas Gwen and Shannon were invited to sample some of the delicious goodies, which included fiesta corn dip with chips; pinwheel spirals; Mediterranean salad cups; imported cheeses, black grapes and crackers; and meatballs in Southern’s aptly-named “Special Sauce.”

After enjoying the great food, it was time to play games with a purpose: winning Bath Junkie products! Everyone was happy to oblige.

The girls also got to pick out some products courtesy of Bath Junkie that they could personalize with their favorite scents & tints. It was truly good, clean fun!



  1. It was GREAT! thanks for making it happen! the girls at Bath Junkie were just wonderful and the food was FANTASTIC!! check them both out if you can…

  2. You’re very welcome! It really was a lot of fun and was great meeting all of you!

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