Back to School snapshot slideshow

Congrats on getting your kids through the first week of school! We’ve been practically giddy over all the awesome back-to-school snapshots we’ve received this week which feature preschoolers all the way up through high school seniors. And we think the slideshow below proves that kids in Northwest Arkansas are WAY cuter than average. Must be in the water. 🙂

Also, sprinkled throughout the slideshow you’ll also see some sweet baby faces. They might not be in school just yet, but babies are always busy learning things like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking and saying “mama.” Before we know it, these babies will be grabbing a backpack and heading off to Kindergarten, too.

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Thanks to all the mamas who shared these great snapshots with us. Please watch your email inbox. We’ll send a note to the winner of the movie passes and Red Robin gift card later today!