Note from the mamas: Congrats to Leigh Jones, winner of the four show tickets. Leigh said she LOVES Lucy!
Wouldn’t it be fun to be in the audience while a famous TV show was being filmed?
And wouldn’t it be extra fun if that show was the hilarious I Love Lucy show?
You’re in luck! We’re giving away 4 tickets to see I Love Lucy Live on Stage at Walton Arts Center for the opening night show on February 4th at 7 p.m. The show runs Feb. 4-9.
ABOUT THE SHOW: It’s 1952 and you are a member of the Desilu Playhouse studio audience where you experience firsthand the filming of two hilarious I LOVE LUCY® episodes, complete with charming host, 50s style harmonies from the Crystaltone Singers and the side-splitting antics of America’s favorite foursome – Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel.
The show is highly interactive and we hear that appearances of the giant, flashing “APPLAUSE” sign they use during the show is definitely not necessary. This show is applause-worthy! It’s suitable for all ages.
HOW TO ENTER: To throw your name in the online hat for the 4 tickets to the I Love Lucy Live on Stage show, click the words “post a comment” below and tell us about something hilarious that happened to you lately. Something that made you belly laugh (even if it didn’t right away). By the way, if you haven’t belly laughed much lately, this show is perfect for you. Laughter is good for the soul, after all
You can also enter the giveaway by emailing your answer to
TO INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: If you’d like to increase your odds of winning these tickets, just share! Email friends and family about the giveaway and CC us so we’ll be sure to give you credit. The email is
BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
TICKET INFO: Click HERE or call the Walton Arts Center Box Office at 479-443-5600 for more info on tickets to the show. This is gonna be a good one and you don’t want to miss out.
Good luck in the giveaway!
I recently had a good laugh when my daughter (age 4) announced she needed to get married and that she wanted to marry Daddy. I told her he was taken and she started crying. Her brother quickly piped in with, “Well, if mommy dies you can have him.”
I shared this giveaway on FB, follow you on Twitter and FB too!
Belly laugh happens when my husband and I watch funny movies. I laugh at his laugh, because it’s just so different and funny!!
Night before our wedding a few weeks ago, playing cards with friends. Could use a few belky laughs been a few hard weeks recently.
Our cat can be funny when playing with his toy mouse.
I got my skirt tucked into my tummy tucker and had a co-worker tell me it was up! How embarrassing!!!
My friend tried to trick me and instead I ended up tricking her and it was too funny to see the look on her face. Would love to go see I Love Lucy because We all Love Lucy
My two year old took my phone from my pocket and said, “Mommy, I have to call grandma quick.” Putting the phone to her ear, she said, “Grandma, I need some candy. Okay. Bye”. The things they say!
I have a good laugh watching my daughters acting out scenes from the movie “Frozen” – they’re very dramatic : )
I have an 8 year old daughter and she makes me laugh daily with something quirky that she says or a saying she doesn’t get quite right. She loves watching I love Lucy reruns and would LOVE to go see this!
my son keeps us laughing continuously.
Watched a very funny movie with my daughters last night we all had good belly laughs !
My husband keeps my laughing every day! Would love to see Lucy.
I laugh at a lot of the stuff my young kids say. I asked my 2 year old just the other day if he wanted to pull up a chair and help me bake something and when he replied “no” I said, “you don’t want to help me bake brownies?” He immediately changed his tune and shouted out “ES! (yes)! Me want brownies in MY MOUTH now!” Had to laugh at that one. He’s so darn cute.
I have a 4 year old son. For some reason he has always called boobies “boomers?” I was doing laundry last week and he came out of my bedroom WEARING MY BRA and said ” mommy, your boomer trap doesn’t fit me!” You just had to be there! Lol! He was so serious and concerned!
I can’t remember the last time I had a good belly laugh! This show sounds awesome!
I’m sorry, but I can’t think of anything hilarious that’s happened lately… or anytime, period. I could use a belly laugh…..
Entered a contest to win a grinder. Was so excited that I could possibly win one to grind up food. I won!!!! Yippee!!! It was in Springfield and I couldn’t go by the station to pick it up. So they offered to mail the certificate for the grinder. When I got it I couldn’t wait to open it with details to pick up my grinder. To my surprise it was a certificate for half off a grinder at a restaurant. Obviously everyone who entered must have known you eat a grinder! My husband and I laughed so hard because we were so wrong about the prize.
Ice-skating with my kids Saturday was too funny!
My new grandson is smiling, so he makes me laugh often lately. I would LOVE to win this! I DVR every episode of I Love Lucy! I know every word to every show! It’s my favorite show EVER! Oh, how I would love to win this! I have a dear friend / former student who loves it as much as I do – even wrote her Senior Research Paper on it for me quite a few years ago. She would get to go, too – of course. How best to impress your teacher than to write a research paper on her favorite show? She loves her as much as I do! Oh, how I hope!
At a dance convention this past weekend with my 7yr old…all us dance moms were sitting in the auditorium with our dancers and about a 1000+ other dance mommas…..we had 1 dance dad that brought his daughter because his wife couldn’t make it so he was already feeling a bit “out numbered” & outta place
I love laughing and remember belly laughing recently while playing cards with our friends but can’t remember what was said. There is always belly laughing going on when we get together with our good friends!
That is very true !!!
I got stuck in the foam pit at the trampoline park in Little Rock. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get out! It wasn’t funny at the time, but it’s funny now.
I have the most hilarious group of girlfriends! One of my girlfriends (who is an emergency room nurse) had me on the floor laughing when she called me to tell me that she had just peed in her water bottle in the car while siting in that awful traffic on I540 one morning. The only problem was that she got it EVERYWHERE and was calling me to get a new set of scrubs! She now keeps a water bottle AND extra scrubs in her car! Hilarious! She is definitely my LUCY! Lol!
I literally was watching I Love Lucy two days ago and was laughing so hard at it! I loved watching it as a child, and it’s fun watching as an adult too because I catch on to many more of the jokes!
My 11 year old son LOVES to play trucks on me… So this time, I took
His little rubber snake and (washed it first) and stuck it in his food
At dinner! Gotcha!!
Oops – TRICKS- not trucks
My best belly laughs are when my om and I get together. We get to giggling over the silly things. The giggles turn into to chuckles and the chuckles become uncontrollable laughter. We are left completely drained when we are finally ale to stop. It is like a good cleansing cry only more fun.
Last night my 14yr old daughter and my 8yr old son blowing and putting bubbles on each other while doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.
Funniest moment. I was walking to car with my hands full and kept hearing something behind me. Turned to look and there was a black snake chasing me. I ran screaming at the top of my lungs. As I approached the car I wasn’t sure how I would slow down to get in without the snake catching up to me One of the items in my hand was. a handheld dirt devil. I know… I’ll throw it at it. So as I rounded the car I raised the dirt devil up into the air and turned toward the snake. Behold… It was the cord to the dirt devil that was chasing me. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even drive awy. Now then.. My name is also Lucy, so that was definitely my Lucy moment. I would so love to go to this
My grandpa made the most hilarious grumpy old man face when the nurse at the hospital told him they’d have to stick him every hour to check his blood. I couldn’t help but laugh because it was the same face he made at the photographer at my wedding when he put grandpa in a spot where he looked short(er) and wouldn’t let him move.
My kids make me laugh just about every day.
I am sharing this on FB and like your page.
I have a 14 year old. It’s either laugh or cry.
I was sitting on my bed when I noticed that something was moving under the covers. I called in my grandaughter when I discovered that the cat we are babysitting was the mole under the blankets…we laughed really hard and then even harder when we started petting her through the covers and she jumped around everywhere but out.
With a 3 year old I find myself laughing often, but last night I wasn’t feeling well so I was laying down. I heard the panty closet door open, so I knew he was trying to help himself to fruit snacks. I called him in the room and asked him what that noise was. He said “mommy you must have been dreaming. now close your pretty little eyes and don’t worry about me.”
He’s a hoot!
Two days ago my 13 year old son, who has never played an instrument, tells me he is joining a band as the guitarist and that after they write three songs they want to play at first Friday in Bentonville. This was a text, so I lol on my own, but sent him a text of encouragement back. Better get a guitar and some lessons pretty quick!
I had a good laugh recently when I was changing my son’s diaper. He actually peed on his own face. He was so surprised by it and couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t stop. I felt bad for laughing but I couldn’t stop. A great story I will get to embarrass him with one day!
I recently got really tickled about a commercial on TV, my girls and I got to laughing and couldn’t stop. We then would get tickled every time we looked at each other just thinking about it. Love those times with my girls!!!!!!
At the doctor’s office today, we had to re-do my blood pressure 4 times to get the machine to read it! The nurse and I tried everything we could think of and kept getting an error. I am positive it was pretty comical to watch. Then, once it did read… it was perfectly normal! LOL
I didn’t have my glasses on and I saw are cat playing with what looked like a dried up sponge than the dog took it from her and had it in her mouth so I grabbed it from her and put it up to my face, imangine my aueprise when I noticed it was a dead mouse after I screamed u laughed so hard I was crying I never pick up anything now with out having glasses on. I love I Love Lucy my friend and I call ourselves Lucy and Ethel. I’m of course Ethel, haha
I have to tell you that I haven’t had a belly laugh lately, I’m sorry to say. I lost my husband of 58 years in the spring and have been doing paper work ever since. I sure could use a belly laugh – I’m 85 years old and live alone but I can find 3 friends if I should win. I started watching I love Lucy back in the 50’s and had lots of belly laughs.
What a nice thing to do – give away 4 tickets.
My kids always make me laugh
My brother had his wisdom teeth removed on Friday. He are plenty of yogurt, applesauce and jello and I made sure he was taking his medicine on time. By Saturday morning he was sick of soft foods and started texting everyone he knew asking them to bring him Pizza Hut. I got a laugh out of it.
Well, i was cleaning the toilet bowl one day and of coursre i was using a toilet bowl brush, my 2 yr old grandson was watching me….i finished ip and went out of the bathroom and my grandson followed me. About 5 minutes later i went into the playroom to check on him and his brothet
Well, i was cleaning the toilet bowl one day and of coursre i was using a toilet bowl brush, my 2 yr old grandson was watching me….i finished ip and went out of the bathroom and my grandson followed me. About 5 minutes later i went into the playroom to check on him and his brother, he was not in the playroom, no, he was in the bathroom with imy hairbrush cleaning out the toilet!!!!! No, i didn’t laugh at ifirst……but later
I recently had a laugh reading some of these comments! But before then I had a laugh watching my 1 year old help my husband pack up board games! We are moving in 3 days and are packing things away! He looked so cute trying to pick up things and put them in these huge boxes! I love being his mommy
My 4 kids keep me laughing on a daily basis, but I’d love a night out to laugh with other adults
My 1 year old has learned how to snort with her nose and it makes me laugh so hard!
Watching the movie frozen with my daughter!
Laughing at my son singing the wrong words to a song.
Making a funny face or Scarry face at my kids and watching their reactions cracks me up!
I had a laugh with my coworkers talking about the antics of the kids we work with. Specifically the silly things they say.
Our family went this past weekend to a birthday party at a roller skating rink. My husband and 5 year old son were trying to switch out his training skates for big boy skates, but in the process had lost one of his shoes. I sent my husband back to look for the shoe, but just as he disappeared around the corner my son said “I have to go to the bathroom, bad!” My husband had told me earlier that the boys bathroom was in bad shape (boys on skates and bathrooms. It’s bound to get ugly!) but I didn’t want him to have an accident. I sent him into the bathroom and told him to try not to get his sock wet. As soon as my husband returned I sent him to check on our son. He came out soon after doubled over laughing. He told me I had no reason to worry, our son is a champion at jumping on one foot. He finally came out of the bathroom with a dry sock and a proud smile!!
my mom has been known as “Lucy” as her name is Mary Lu…she is always getting into silly situations and making others laugh! She passed the love for “i love lucy” to my kids as they all watch the old episodes with her and laugh together…
Just reading these comments have caused me to laugh out loud. My fav is the one about the black snake cord. That is funny! I also have a 3 year old that says hilarious things daily. Thank God for kids!
We are trying to potty train our 17 month old Bc she is already telling us when she potties. Well, when her diaper is changed we say- “change your butt change your butt”
My daughter is bad about getting under the bathroom sink. A few weeks ago she got into “mommys monthly items” daddy says “McKinley go put those back those are mommys!!!
Two days ago I snuck away to use the restroom alone. Well, myLO found me! She brings me a “pad” and says- moma change your butt change your butt!!!!!
I about died laughing!!!!!!!! If course I said “okay baby…thank you!!”
My two year old is running around right now announcing “I have a BIG bottom.”
I was remembering recently how my dog decided to join in on a treadmill work out, which did not work out so well for him. I was telling the story and I got to laugh about it all over again.
I belly laughed when my 3 year old granddaughter got mad at her Mom and told her “I am going to banished you to the highest tower and not let you out.” Taking those Disney Movies a little too seriously!
House with all girls is constantly dramatic and comical. My sixteen year old daughter recently got me tickled when she stated that it was clear that I was my husband’s favorite of the four “girls” in the house when he recently returned from a business trip and presented her with a silly tee-shirt and me with a knock-off designer handbag. She was being funny, but it still made me laugh.
Shopping with my 11 year old daughter .. She was telling her older sister that the best sport to be in was basketball because of the awesome clothing!! My older daughter thought tennis and golf clothes were much cuter so we thought it was funny that my 11 year old seriously thought basketball shorts and warm ups were better ..
It was a “had to be there” moment .. 
My daughter almost 2 sits In front of the bathroom and has a full morning conversation with herself. Complete with faces & the laughs, it makes me laugh every morning when I start my day
My 1yr old son loves the vacuum and last weekend my husband was playing w/ our son and vacuumed his hair into a Mohawk! It was hilarious to watch his reaction of course he just giggled.