Slightly Tilted: Run wild

By Jen Adair, Blogger at Slightly Tilted, Entreprenuer, Homeschool Mom to two fab kiddos

In every mom, sometimes hidden and sometimes not, there is a wild streak dying to be let loose. Some want to dance on tables, some will dance on tables, and some will be content watching the dancing, happy to see the exuberance of others spill forth.

The wild streak is always there. It can be controlled for a while, but it lurks in the hearts of women everywhere. It’s the color we use to paint our gray worlds. I

t’s the scars we have that bear witness to our adventures and heartbreaks. It’s the laughter that spills down our cheeks when we are gloriously happy.

Excuse me, but your wild is showing. And it’s beautiful.

That sparkle in your eye when you talk about things you love? Your kids. Chocolate. Netflix. Target. Wine. The occasional GNO. (Remember those?)

Well, that sparkle is a bit of that wild soul shining through your eyes. It positively glows.

The drudgery of everyday life, especially in the time of Corona, can steal that wildness from you. Fight it.

Find that spot between making meals, cleaning house, working, raising kids… you know, that one minute spot, and take a deep breath.

This moment, this year, is not all there is. There is more. There are mistakes to make, trips to take, passionate kisses to come.

Are there more obstacles ahead? Of course.

But you and your wild soul will be just fine.

Get out the table. Turn up the music. Dying is easy, it’s LIFE that’s hard.

Let your wild soul run.

Hey. I’m Jen Adair. I’m an entrepreneur. Homeschool mom. CEO of organized chaos. Ok – it’s really not all that organized. Browse my collection of random thoughts, humor (well, I think I’m funny!), images, links, whatever…at my blog Slightly Tilted