Nothing gets us in the mood for the holidays faster than super cute pictures of kids excited about all the holiday hoopla. So send us some of your favorite photos of your kids (or the whole family) celebrating the holidays together. Or scan your holiday card and send us a picture of that! We’d love to share your holiday greetings with all the mamas in Northwest Arkansas. We’ll publish as many as we can before the end of December.
(Note: If you have a photo holiday card done by a professional photographer, you’ll need the photographer’s permission to have it published online.)
We’ve received quite a few really good snapshots during the past two months, so we’re sharing a few of our favorites in this post. You can see all the snapshots by clicking HERE to go to our photo gallery. (We’ve revamped the photo gallery and it’s really cool! It will let you scroll through the photos as fast or as slow as you like.)
Send your holiday snapshots to gwen@nwaMotherlode.com. (We won’t use your child’s name or any type of identifying information when we publish the photos, for safety reasons.)
“Little fish, I would kiss your fishy lips if you had any.”

Fyi- Just shared on facebook and pinned you on Pinterest!