Mamas on Magic 107.9 Friday mornings

When  you have kids, you automatically become an editor. You edit the choices you make, the words that come out of your mouth, the things you do, the shows you watch, the clothes you wear, the places you go — everything changes. This morning when we stop by Magic 107.9 for our Friday morning chat with radio hosts Jennifer Irwin and Guy Westmoland, we’ll talk about parents and editing — the good, the bad and the ugly.

To join the discussion, tune into Magic 107.9 and listen between 7:25 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Or click the graphic below to listen to the show live on your computer. (Did you know you can listen to the radio live while you surf around online? It’s fun!)

Sometimes, we parents end up editing ourselves so much that we forget what we were like before the kids came along or what we used to enjoy. We’ll also have some tips on how to rediscover your own interests, if you’ve accidentally edited yourself into an exhausted mommy machine you barely recognize.

Here are some links to articles we reviewed while preparing for this on-air discussion. Click on the title of each article below to read it in full.


