Life with Ladybug: I love you, period


By Shannon Magsam, Ladybug’s premenstrual mama

lbfairy031.gifWhen I’m in the clutches of a bad case of PMS, I sometimes get on my hands and knees with an old towel and a bucket of hot, soapy water to take out my frustrations on the linoleum (UGLY, horrible linoleum that should be replaced with tile and still has nicks in it from when the ANNOYING, CARELESS refrigerator movers scraped it). I scrub and scrub, which makes the floor look better and improves my mood. It’s best if I get to the linoleum before I get to my husband and daughter. Like last night when I banished them to her room with the book, Carousel Cat. “Just go read!” I yelled and they fled.

Often, I have a good cry the night before I “start”. It used to surprise me. I’d cry, wonder why I felt so desolate, then, like clockwork, grudgingly accept a visit from Aunt Flo (yes, I acknowledge my dorkiness for even saying that). After years of being perplexed, I now just anticipate it. Sometimes I don’t even have any PMS symptoms (I’m sorry for all you girls out there who would love to be able to say that) but when I do, it’s a struggle to play nice.

Recently, Ladybug had a few questions about my monthly visitor. Yes, she’d seen me use a tampon before, but I’d always been able to distract her – or sneak off to a bathroom – before removing the darn thing so she wouldn’t be disturbed by the blood. But this time, in the mall bathroom, she saw me and got very curious. “Let me see. Let me see!” she demanded as I tried to quickly wrap it up and toss it. I whispered to her that we’d discuss it when we left the bathroom. “Why?” she continued to inquire. “Because it’s private,” I said.

When we got out of the bathroom, I took her to the bench in front of the bookstore and explained about periods. I told Ladybug that it was only for a few days each month and it wouldn’t happen until she was much older. She looked horrified and said she didn’t want to use one of those things I’d just used. So then I told her that there was a bandage-type thing you could put on your panties instead, if you wanted to. “That’s what I want to do,” she said, relieved.

I didn’t tell her that I started my “period” at a fairly young age, just after I’d participated in a little beauty pageant. I think my mother thought it was jitters, not cramps. Then, when we got home, there it was. My mother cried. So did I. So will I. And it won’t be PMS.


  1. Oh yeah, and if she drinks milk…. well, all our girls are starting earlier than we did. Thanks for sharing. I can totally relate – I have been in that bathroom stall!

  2. I know! I try to buy organic milk, but… she’s built like me and I imagine it’s inevitable. Like you said, maybe even earlier than me, which would really suck. I remember thinking I would never ride horses again. I guess I thought life would be one long period. So there was a silver lining.

  3. Hysterectomy. The only way to go. I had mine about 2 1/2 years ago. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!

    Love ya!

  4. Hi, Ashley! It has been for-evah! Glad you found me. It MUST have been my writing about tampons. I seem to recall you were the girl who first insisted I try one when we were vacationing in Biloxi at the ripe old age of 15… Um, heck yeah we’re going swimming, girl!

  5. I’m right there with ya. My moodiness seems to get worse as I get older too. Sometimes I think my Hub would like to do like they did long, long, ago and send me to the woods or somewhere until it’s all over. Won’t it be great when both my girls are old enough for it? He’ll have all 3 of us to deal with. By that time, I’ll probably be going through menopause and it’ll be even worse. Poor guy!

  6. Ha! My 3 year old calls them bandaids too. She has soooooo many questions. It’s very hard to explain to a little girl! I can even remember my mom explaining it to me when a charachter in a book she was reading to me got her period. I was SCARED! I can remember when I got mine my mom wasn’t with me and I cried so bad when I finally told her and she just held me and cried…awww…it is not something i look forward to with my girls 🙁

  7. Well, I’m here to tell ya, you will survive! My poor husband. We have 3 daughters and two of them are, well, let’s just say that our house is a VERY interesting place to be during one week of each month.


  8. OMG. I can’t believe you remember that! 25 years ago. Ouch. That is painful to think about.

    Love Ya.

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