How to make a “reverse” to-do list

Welcome to another day of adulting, Northwest Arkansas mamas. If you often beat yourself up because you feel like the day gets away from you and you haven’t “done enough,” this post is for you.

The article we’re recommending you read on the Apartment Therapy website is not going to tell you how to get more done. Instead, it’s going to prove to you that you’re already doing a LOT — but you’re not necessarily getting credit for it (especially from yourself).

Learn how to make a “reverse to-do list” so you can appreciate all the big and small things that you ARE ALREADY DOING every single day. As parents, we do so many things each day without even thinking about it, and those necessary things take time. So why not acknowledge them and add them to your “done” list instead of pretending they don’t count? (It counts!)

Don’t let your traditional to-do list make you feel like a loser at the end of the day. (It’s called “productivity debt” and this article will explain more.) Try the “done” list instead and capture all the things you’re already doing to raise humans, keep yourself and your household running, do your work, be a dog or cat mom, pack lunches, prepare meals, help take care of aging parents, be a good friend, put gas in the car, etc., etc., etc.

Hope the “reverse to-do list” gives you a new way of marking progress throughout the day and helps you realize you’re doing an amazing job that matters SO much. We love ya, fellow Northwest Arkansas mamas!