Giveaway: Tickets to Still Awake Still

Still_Awake_Still_The main character in the show, Still Awake Still!, is desperately trying to get the kids to sleep. Can you relate?

Yep, we thought so. You’ll enjoy this show as much as your kids will. It’s perfect for kids who are in the 4 to 10-year-old age range. Still Awake Still! hits the stage at the Walton Arts Center on Friday, January 31, 2014 at 7 p.m., and this week we’re giving away EIGHT TICKETS to the show! You can take your kids and a few friends along, too!

And don’t worry about what to wear or how to dress the kids for this night at the theater. Because this show is all about sleep, parents are encouraged to bring their little ones to the show wearing pajamas.

StillAwakeTNEWABOUT THE SHOW: Part-concert, part-theatre, the entire show emerges like magic from beneath the lid of a grand piano. Featuring superb acoustic music, comic acting and a rich visual world of surprises, STILL AWAKE STILL! is a unique experience.

The show features the legendary Ms. Ivory Tinklefinger, Queen of Sleep, whose absurd task is to sing the audience to sleep. On a magnificent grand piano, she proudly performs her lullabies. But not only does she fail to put a single child to sleep, she also conjures two mischievous musical boys from the heart of the piano. What’s happening? Who is in control here? And can she resist the temptation to join in?

Inspired by parents’ daily challenge of putting their little ones to bed, STILL AWAKE STILL! explores the tussle between order and chaos, rest and play, reason and intuition, in a drama that celebrates the process of creativity. TO ENTER: To throw your name in the online hat for the 8 tickets to the show, click the words “post a comment” below and tell us what your kid or kids use as their excuse for not going to sleep. Need a drink of water? Monster under the bed? My eyelids won’t stay closed? My brain won’t be quiet? We mamas have heard some pretty elaborate stories of why kids can’t sleep.

You can also enter the giveaway by emailing your answer to

TO INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: If you’d like to increase your odds of winning the eight tickets, just share! Email friends and family about the giveaway and CC us so we’ll be sure to give you credit. The email is

BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.

TICKET INFO: Click HERE or call the Walton Arts Center Box Office at 479-443-5600 for more info on tickets to the show. The price is an affordable $6 so don’t miss the chance to spend an evening at the theater with your kids. They’ll remember it for years.

You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit. – See more at:

You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.


  1. hmmmmm…..too many to list just one! Haha! As my two older kids grow they now can’t put down the book they are reading to go to sleep… it’s good to hear but just not at bedtime!!

  2. My little one always asks for another hug and kiss, at least 4 or 5 times. That’s hard to say no to.

  3. Mine likes to say she hurt isn’t tired, but it’s funny how fast she zonks out once she lays down.

  4. She tells us she’s having bad dreams….before she’s even fallen asleep!!! 🙂

  5. He needs water/wants to watch tv. He’s only 2 so he hasn’t become too imaginative with the excuses yet!

  6. My daughter is programmed just like her mother and grandmother.. If you sleep, you’ll miss something! Best stay awake!!

  7. We apparently have a very chatty dinosaur because our son claims that is what keeps him awake at bedtime. 🙂

  8. They don’t have school is a good one. Or they just are not tired because they slept late that morning. Or sister kicks too much

  9. My 3 year old son says:
    1. There are ghosts in my room
    2. My back hurts in my bed, so I need to sleep in yours
    3. I’m thrirsty or hungry
    4. I need to stay awake to make sure daddy comes home from work

  10. My 4 year old will always ask for a story of when she was such and such age or the first time she went to church, or school, or the first anything really!
    My 2 year old on the other hand makes no excuses and falls right to sleep (usually!) ha!

  11. I can’t sleep unless I am snuggled next to a body.

    Dad said I could sleep with you until I am 10 and I am only 7.

  12. Last night my 9 year-old daughter got up twice (once because she said she woke up dizzy and asked if she could get a water bottle to keep in her room, the next was because she said her cheeks kept getting hotter and that she could not sleep even though she was yawning. My 12 year-old son got up once because he wanted to know what was going on when he heard his sister the first time she got up. My 14 year-old daughter got up twice (once to take Tylenol for her sore neck, neck to see if I could do anything else to make her neck stop waking her up plus she got a snack). SERIOUSLY!!

  13. My five year old daughter says, “Mommy, I closed my eyes but I can’t fall asleep.” Another one is “Mommy, I can’t get comfortable, can I have some water?”

  14. My 9 yr old is convinced that someone is going to break into our house and wisk him away if he goes to sleep!

  15. I need water, I’m still hungry, and I didn’t tell the dog goodnight are the most used excuses in my house!

  16. I have two boys and the excuses are an every night thing! From someone in the closet to mummies chasing us in our dreams… I usually just keep an extra pillow and blanket by the bed! 🙂

  17. Usually its “I just need to finish building this last thing” with legos or minecraft

  18. My two girls have tried everything in the book. My favorite is after about two minutes of lights out, my seven year old comes in and says, “I can’t sleep!” Its only been a couple of minutes!!

  19. My daughter tells me she missed me all day while she was at school and just needs a few more minutes with me. It worked the first few times!

  20. Mine wants to play Oscar the grouch in his toy box. He gets inside and jumps out and screams at us in a low voice… I want to play Oscar…. Um not anymore tonight!!!

    That and he want to rock longer or read books…. Anything not to sleep!

  21. I’ve got 5 kiddos, bedtime is ALWAYS interesting! I get every excuse imaginable…One has to have the lights on to close her eyes

  22. My daughter says she had a cough and needs cough meds, or water, or that she needs to brush her teeth or that she wants me to read another book or that she wants to sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s bed or that her tummy hurts…it goes on and on…

  23. With 3 kids, I’ve heard it all!! One of the latest, and best, was from my 4 year old son a few weeks ago. He said he was having problems falling asleep bc the monkeys in his room were too loud. After taming the monkeys, the dinosaur under his bed was moving around and being loud.

  24. My granddaughter always needs one more song. I love it when I get
    The chance to be there when they are put to bed. To hear their prayers and aing
    Praise songs with them. Then there is all the “I need to go potty , I need my special
    Blanket, I need my special bunny/doll/toy. Then thy want to know if I will
    Be there when they wake up….. That is precious just knowing they would like me
    To be.

  25. With my youngest it used to be “I have to go potty” but we nipped that in the bud by making her use the bathroom after brushing her teeth. Then it took her almost 6 months (and hearing her sister) to use the “I need a drink” excuse. Gotta love hearing those tiny footsteps though!

  26. The 2 my 6 year old uses most are…my tummy hurts and I need some medicine for it….and the kicker….I think I am going to have a bad dream. So we talk, pray, sing and I leave him in there..then he says there is someone in the kitchen and he is afraid they are going to get him. Still not sure why. Oh well…hopefully he will grow out of that and not pass that fear onto his lottle brother.

  27. I am pretty lucky my eight year old goes to bed with out a lot of fussing. We would love to see this show and take a bunch of family and friends with us.

  28. Both of mine use the excuse of needing more hugs and kisses! So I always give in to them!

  29. We have 4 kids and they use any excuse from bathroom breaks, to being hungry, to ghosts, to wanting to give hugs and kisses… We love them and their different personalitues

  30. Mommy, Can i have “leche” (milk), please. I’m not tired yet. I slept at school.

  31. My 9 year old always has SOMETHING that hurts, but it only pops up at bedtime.

  32. My kids definitely use the I need some water excuse. My older daughter also uses the excuse that her eyes hurt when she closes them…haha.

  33. My 4 yr old says that she just has one more thing she really needs to tell me that is super important and I will really want to hear it!

  34. My kiddos always say but we’re thirsty..or they have to go to the bathroom. My favorite is ” you all downstairs are too loud. I can’t sleep.”

  35. Lately, the reason given is, “I need more snuggles!” So hard to say no to that.

  36. Our wee one always needs to see Daddy if Mommy is putting her to sleep, and if Daddy is putting her to sleep, she needs to see Mommy!

  37. He tells me that he wants me to sing “just one more” song or read “just one more” book! How can I say no to that?!?

  38. Every night I hear, “Mom, I’m hungry and just can’t go to sleep! Mom, I need you to come lay down with me so I can snuggle.”

  39. I have heard it all from my 8-year old daughter!! She has always been difficult to get settled down for the night from the day she moved out of the crib!!! It is much better now, but she still reappears in the living room at least a few times after saying goodnight. She comes up with things she needs to do to get ready for school the next day, but she gets sent back to bed anyway with instructions to take care of it in the morning. She wears me out to the point that I have no trouble falling asleep when my head hits the pillow!

  40. I have eight kiddos so getting everyone down to bed can be an adventure! I have heard it all especially from my teens! My favorites are I have just one more math problem that might take me all night and my legs just won’t stop moving and will keep me up so can I watch tv till they stop? I’m sure they will by the end of the show.

  41. I forgot to brush my teeth….. I forgot to floss…. Is Miss Bunny out here? Do I have homework? I thought I heard a noise in your room and wanted to check….. I am scared of the noise…..

  42. My daughter knows how to pull the heart-strings with “I neeeeed you, Mommy! I just need to hold your hand.” My son just re-energizes at bedtime and becomes a comedien ready to entertain.,

  43. My daughter will say ” I have a new prayer request”… LOL.. cant neglect that..

  44. My LO doesn’t speak complete sentences yet but her big thing is “no no mama dada- shhh the baby is sleeping (her baby doll) then of course says she has to watch spongebob first!
    She ends up in our bed!!! With the “sleeping baby doll” too lol

  45. One?! Just one excuse?! Haha! It’s a different one every night! Hungry, thirsty, have to pee, too hot, too cold, too loud, too quiet, one more book, not the right book, want mommy to lay with her- no wait- daddy! . Lol! Love her so much despite bedtime always being a challenge! Good thing the toddler puts herself right to bed- praying she stays that way!

  46. My little one says he cannot sleep because there are monkeys on his wall. There are not monkeys on his wall, just shadows.

    He also wants to me to have a “sleep over” in his bed. He said it’s not fair that Daddy always gets to have the sleep over with Mommy. 🙂

  47. Daddy is just too funny to go to sleep! Bed time giggles and silliness keeps us awake at our house 🙂

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