Have you seen all the adorable paintings from Painting with a Twist? Well, clearly lots of you have, since they were voted as a Best Mom’s Night Out location in Northwest Arkansas! 🙂
So we KNOW you’re going to love this giveaway: A two-hour Mom’s Night Out private party for up to 12 girlfriends at Painting with a Twist! Doesn’t that sound like a blast? We don’t get together with friends enough and the winner of this giveaway will have the perfect excuse to pull together a big group of besties to paint + snack together.
ABOUT THE PARTY: The winner will get to pick the painting from Painting with a Twist’s library of over 4,000 paintings. You and your friends will have the class to yourselves (since it’s a private party). You’ll have help from some great instructors providing you with step-by-step instruction.
The winner will have the room for 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the class to decorate, mingle, and celebrate.
You can bring your favorite snacks, purchase wine, beer, cider, coffee or soda from the bar, and paint along with a local artist. Painting with a Twist provides everything you need to create your own masterpiece to take home at the end of the evening. Painting with a Twist promises: Even if you “can’t even draw a stick figure”, you are sure to leave with something amazing.Â
If the winner prefers, she can have a free child’s painting party with 10 guests.
HOW TO ENTER: If you’d love to win this Mom’s Night Out Party for 12, click on the word “comments” (right under the headline of this post) and scroll down to the bottom of the comments posted by other moms. Then write a quick comment telling us what you think you’d like to paint if you won the party. Here’s a look at some of the Painting with a Twist’s art events coming up for a quick look at pics!
You can also email your answer to us at giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.
INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: Help us spread the word about this giveaway by emailing your friends and family about the giveaway. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for every person you tell. Just be sure to put giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com on the CC line of your note so we can give you proper credit.

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BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
We’ll choose the winner on Friday! Don’t want to chance not winning a party? Call Painting with a Twist at 479-254-1997, email at studio089@paintingwithatwist.com, or submit a request here to schedule your own event! Click here to visit the local website!
If I were to win the private painting party, I would want to paint a beach scene. Nothing is more relaxing than being at the beach, and having a reminder of that feeling in my home would be amazing!
I would like to paint a snowman I’m addicted to snowmen!!!
Would be great fun!
I was just looking at their website this morning! I would like to paint the rustic wreath.
If I won I would love to sprint a Christmas picture because I love Christmas! A girls night out would be such a blessing for me and my friends.
I would love to paint something for my kids playroom! I follow on Twitter and Pinterest, commented on FB, and get the newsletter.
I’d love to paint something floral and green for my sunroom!
I have heard so many great things about Pinting with Twist but have never had the chance to go! It has been a rough year for us as a family and painting and friends would be the best stress relief! We are in the process of buying our first house after many many obsticles, I would paint a sign for our door to as a finishing touch to a year full of obsticles and a final success, we will be home owners!!
I would love to paint something “fallish” to decorate my home!
I would love to paint a fall fox scene if I were to be the lucky winner!!
I would totally want a holiday themed piece of art. Always want to do one of their Christmas classes, but my schedule never seems to work out.
I would love this! I think I would choose one of the rustic looking paintings, maybe the one with flowers in the mason jar!
I would love to paint some Christmas pictures with my friends! That way we could think of each other the whole season, and into the new year!
I’d love to paint something for Christmas. Snowmen, tree, anything Christmas to help decorate the house!
I’d love to paint something to hang up in my home!!!!
I would love to paint anything for the upcoming holidays…..Thanksgiving or Christmas!
This would be so fun! I think I would choose a fall or Christmas painting:)
I’d love to invite my small group ladies and paint a cross!
We’d probably like to paint something seasonless. Something that looks good around the house no matter what season it happens to be.
I would want to paint the angels and demons or a sweet little birdie painting!
I’ve never been to painting with a twist but have always wanted to try it! I would love to paint something with a rustic feel. What a great opportunity for mom’s to get some girl time!
I would love to paint a moon scene!
after 18 months of grief, this would be so great for me and my girl clan
I would like to paint a Holiday Scene to match my holiday decor!
Would love to learn how to paint a desert sunset. So pretty with all the purple and pinks
I would love to paint something for Christmas with a group of my friends!
Something with trees. Fall trees. Copper trees. Happy trees.
I would paint something fall. I love this time of year
With 5 active kids time with my girlfriends is almost none exsistant! Ha! I’d love to get a group of friends together for snacks, wine &girl talk and paint a wine picture for my kitchen
I hope you have something related to my favorite entertainer Elvis. That would be fun for my friends and me!
Oh! My! Goodness! I would love to win this! I would bring our Mount Comfort Church of Christ Sonshine School teachers with me! We could each paint & use them as “wall art” in our classrooms! I am SO excited!
I’d definitely pick something for the holidays!
3 thing you can never have enough of:
1. Girl Friends
2. Holiday Decor
3. Wine!!
Since I’m not artistic in the least, I would be happy walking away with anything that I could say I did!
I would LOVE to win this! I would bring our Mount Comfort Church of Christ Sonshine School (Pre-School) staff! We love each other so much! What a blessing it would be to paint together!
Painting is so relaxing! I would love to paint something from nature and celebrate the fun girlfriends have together!
I would love to do something for Christmas. Their reindeer or their Santa would be great. They are so cute. I would love a much needed girls night out and I know a lot of moms that could also use it.
I want to paint a Razorback!!!
I’d love to win this! I love to go to PAWT. There are some moms that I know that don’t get out to do something like this. I’d love to win and take several of them! I’d say we would paint something Christmas or something that they’d want to do!
I would see what all my ladies wanted to paint. Maybe the Razorback or Arkansas Vintage banner?
Yes!!! Would love these too!!
I would donate the party to my son and his soccer friends so they could paint neat sports scenes.
I would either like to paint something to go in my daughters “junk gypsy” type room or something Paris themed(Eiffel Tower).
I would love love love to do this with friends!! We love get togethers and this would be awesome!! We would love anything Fall!!
I would love to have a girls night out at Painting with a Twist and paint either something for Breast Cancer Awareness Month or something fall themed
I would like to paint Something to re decorate my bedroom with! It needs a facelift!
I love going to Painting with a Twist. I’d choose the rustic wreath or a flower-covered arbor I saw last time I was there. My fingers are crossed!!
I’d love to paint anything with trees. The Van Gogh, the aspen, the copper–or one of the razorbacks. I haven’t had a girls’ night since well before I was pregnant with my daughter–and she’s 3 1/2!! I know a few mamas that need this as much as I do!
I really like the copper trees and for something fancy, Tiffany’s with a Twist!
Maybe something that says friends or family or something like that!
The angels and demons portrait looks like it would be nice.
I would choose to paint something from nature-trees, mountains, flowers, etc., or my own version of a classic, like a Monet or a Van Gogh.
I would choose to paint something from nature in shades of green or my own version of a classic, like a Monet or a Van Gogh.
Razorback picture
This would be so much fun! I’d love to do a Razorback painting
I need time away to do something FUN!!
I’ve never been to Painting with a twist, but I’d love to try it! I would choose to make some kind of winter wreath painting for the mantle. Thanks for the contest!
Angels and Demons!
I’d want to paint something colorful found in nature.
I always love painting anything Razorback or Christmas!
I would like to paint a razorback to hang up during the fall!
I would love to just have the paint party- I love beach scenes but would think a fall scene would be pretty too. I have sunflowers in my kitchen and that would be nice but really I’d be happy to paint anything.
Sound like so much fun, pick me please.
I’ve always wanted to do something like this. It sounds like so much fun! I think it would be fun to paint either “Starry Starry Night” or perhaps pictures of bees on flowers since they just made the endangered species list and they are so vital to our precarious existence on this fragile planet.
I would like to paint something really nice that we could all feel good about hanging up in our homes.
I would love to paint something seasonal!
This would be so much fun to do with my small group girls!! I’d love to do a HOG painting! WPS!!
If I am the LUCKY WINNER I would be using this as a part of celebrating my soon to be 7 year old daughters birthday! I would love to see her painting (she is quite the artist) and interacting with a few good friends. She loves all animals, so I would say something with an animal theme.
Something cute with a fall theme!
Something razorbackish
I would like to paint something farm related for my “farm” house, A cow, barn, a hay field etc.
Would love to paint crosses or snowmen.
I would love to paint something uplifting and inspirational. And hang it up where I see it everyday so I can remember to be positive even during bad days!
This would be so great to win!! And to have an evening with 12 of my closest friends would be so much fun!! I would love to have anything that has to do with the Razorbacks or something to do with fall. Thank you so much for the chance!