By Shannon Magsam, mama to ladybug and co-creator of nwaMotherlode
OK, mamas, do you have any unique and different uses for Smarties? You know, the pastel-colored twist wrap candy that always makes you think of Halloween and comes in all kinds of flavors? They are:
White = Orange-Cream; Yellow = Pineapple; Pink = Cherry; Green = Strawberry; Purple = Grape; Orange = Orange.
Well, who knew how many adorable uses there were for these sweet treats?! Gwen and I recently fell in love with Pinterest, a virtual pinboard where you can group together all your online favorite things, and we found some great ideas using Smarties, a company we’re highlighting this month as part of a social shopper insights study.*
We both love Smarties, so you can imagine being a Smarties Ambassador has been such hard work 🙂 (Speaking of Smarties, we’ve got a suh-weet giveaway coming up soon on nwaMotherlode, so be watching for that!)
As I was saying, we have truly been inspired by some of the things we’ve seen on Pinterest — including some Smarties smarties who are just brimming with candy creativity.
Here are a few Pinterest ideas (inspired by Smarties) that we loved (click on the pic to see where it originated):
These cute ideas got us thinking about other uses for Smarties. In addition to decorating baked treats, they could also be used as rewards for a job well done at school (in the lunch box attached to a note?), for teachers gifts (see above) and we’ve even heard of people using Smarties for low blood sugar/hypoglycemia. (Side note that we didn’t realize: Smarties are gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan, and free of the top allergens.)
The Smarties company has been told there are folks who use Smarties as a mid-workout supplement and recovery supplement during and after long workouts. In particular, triathlon and marathon runners have told them that’s their little secret weapon!
My cousin, Shawnna, takes them along with her on all road trips. The sour/sweetness and the crunch keep her awake, apparently. My daughter snagged a roll of Smarties at church Sunday when she answered a Bible trivia question right.
Gwen and I love to snag Smarties when we’re putting together kids’ birthday party goody bags or for handing out on Oct. 31st. We also like that they have Theater Box Smarties for home movie nights (Speaking of movies, we can’t wait to see Sarah Jessica Parker in “I Don’t Know How She Does It” at the theater). We discovered some creative uses for Smarties this week and we’ll be incorporating them into some crafty and delicious items of our own which we’ll share on the website soon.
So, do you have any unique uses for Smarties? #IamASmartie
Click HERE to visit the Smarties website. You can also find them on Twitter, Facebook or HERE at the Smarties blog.
*This project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for #collectivebias. All opinions strictly belong to the mamas.