Hey, girls, we’d love for you to add our new NWAMotherlode.com button to your website or blog! We’d really appreciate you linking to the site. To make this process easy for you, we’ve created a couple of buttons that you can use. To use either of the buttons, simply copy the html code that appears below each button.Link Code<a href=”http://www.nwamotherlode.com/”><img src=”http://www.nwamotherlode.com/images/mlbuttonsm.jpg” border=”0″></a>Here’s a larger button option, too! Let us know if you have any trouble copying and pasting the code onto your site. We’ll be happy to help. Just send an e-mail to us at mamas@nwaMotherlode.com.
Link Code<a href=”http://www.nwamotherlode.com/”><img src=”http://www.nwamotherlode.com/images/mlbuttonlg.jpg” border=”0″></a>Thanks for linking to nwaMotherlode.com!
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Just wanted to let you know that I have your button up and “running” on my blog! Very cool looking, too! Had to tweak it a bit, but it works beautifully now! Good job, gals!!