Giveaway: 2 tickets to see Hamilton at Walton Arts Center!

Hamilton comes to Walton Arts Center in Northwest Arkansas August 16-25, 2024

We are SO excited about this week’s giveaway because it will make one Northwest Arkansas mama incredibly happy. The winner (chosen at random from posted comments) will win TWO tickets to see the iconic Broadway musical Hamilton on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. (These two tickets would normally cost about $400!)

As you know, tickets to a performance of Hamilton sell out so quickly. So here’s a chance to win two free tickets to see a show you’ll never forget. Use these tickets as a date night, girls’ night out, or an incredibly special night out for you and one of your kids.


A revolutionary story of passion, unstoppable ambition and the dawn of a new nation.

Hamilton is the epic saga that follows the rise of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton as he fights for honor, love and a legacy that would shape the course of a nation. Based on Ron Chernow’s acclaimed biography and set to a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, R&B and Broadway, Hamilton has had a profound impact on culture, politics and education. Hamilton features book, music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, direction by Thomas Kail, choreography by Andy Blankenbuehler, and musical supervision and orchestrations by Alex Lacamoire. In addition to its 11 Tony Awards®, it has won Grammy®, Olivier Awards, the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and an unprecedented special citation from the Kennedy Center Honors.

Here’s a sneak peek video of Hamilton on tour:


To throw your name in the online hat to win 2 tickets to see HAMILTON at the Walton Arts Center at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, scroll down to the bottom of this post (and past the comments posted by other moms) until you see the words “Leave a Reply.”

Then write a quick comment telling us about one of your favorite songs (or lines) from Hamilton. (Even those of us who haven’t seen the show have already listened to its soundtrack on Spotify.) A couple of our favorite songs include “Wait For It” and “The Room Where It Happens.”  A great line from the song “Wait For It” goes like this: “…We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there’s a reason I’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died, I’m willing to wait for it.”

If you don’t know any songs or lines from the show, just post a comment telling us who you’re going to take with you if you win these two tickets to see Hamilton!

You can also email your answer to us at

Good luck in the drawing, and keep an eye on your email inbox because we’ll notify the ticket winner on August 1st!


  1. My daughter is OBSESSED with Hamilton and I would love nothing more than to be able to take her! I’ve been trying hard to get ahold of tickets for her! 🤞🤞 The soundtrack is on repeat constantly- we love them all, but My Shot is a top favorite!

  2. I’d love to bring my daughter. We both love Hamilton and live theater in general so it’d be a great day together!

  3. I love all the king George songs. I know him, You’ll be back and what comes next? So funny!

  4. Love song called “you’ll be back”.
    This play was great on television but in person it would be fantastic!!!!

  5. All the music is fantastic! My spouse and I would love to go for our birthday celebrations!

  6. I was actually IN the “room where it happens” in Philadelphia last year on vacation and it was such a cool moment!

  7. It would be so hard to choose who to take- a family member for sure. My kids have some of the Hamilton songs saved on their Spotify & know many of the words- they would love it.

  8. Would love to take my mom!
    King George is a favorite “villain” and You’ll Be Back is iconic!

  9. I can’t remember the name but loved the first one with all the ladies singing! I’d love to take my husband ☺️

  10. I would love to take my oldest daughter, we watched it so many times and enjoyed it so much. I love the song “Hopeless”.

  11. I would love to take my husband and we could be in the room where it happened!

  12. I would love to take my daughter! We both love Ling George in “You’ll Be Back.”

  13. How can you choose just one favorite song?? The room where it happens and what did I miss are right at the top!

  14. My daughters love Hamilton.
    “John Jay got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote twenty-nine. Hamilton wrote the other fifty-one!”

  15. I haven’t seen the show yet and I’d love the chance to go! The music is spectacular- Wait for It is a great one! Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. The Schuyler Sisters Is a favorite and I would take my youngest daughter who has the soundtrack memorized, yet has never seen the show.

  17. “Enter me! – He says in parentheses!” This is a line that makes this grammar nerd chuckle no matter how many times I hear the song.
    If I won, I would take my son with me. We both became completely obsessed with this musical after watching the Tony Awards together when it won so many. He was pretty young, so I’d have to listen without him and then be able to share (most of) the songs together. The lyrics are so dense, we would look up the historical references, it took us weeks to get through the whole soundtrack! It paid off though because he pick Alexander Hamilton for his wax museum project in elementary school! Now in high school, his love for history has continued in his AP History classes.

  18. Would love to take my son who hasn’t seen it to “the room where it happens”!

  19. All the lyrics are so clever, but I often have these in my head:
    “When you’re gone, I’ll go mad
    So don’t throw away this thing we had
    ‘Cause when push comes to shove
    I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love…”
    The audacity! My 16 year old daughter and I would love to win tickets. Thank you for the opportunity!

  20. I love Hamilton! The rhythm of the words and the rhymes just blow me away! I think my favorite part is King George singing about America’s love gone sour in You’ll Be Back. it is just so funny!

  21. Hi! I don’t know any lines or songs (yet), but I’ll take my mom if I win.

  22. I don’t have a favorite line or song – I haven’t seen it. I would love to take my daughter and see it though!

  23. OMG I have never wanted anything sooooooooooo badly! I missed it the last time it was here and want to go w/the hubs for a much needed date night!!!!!

    I just really love the lyrics and beat of Helpless!

  24. “I am not throwing away my shot!” …to enter this amazing drawing! ❤️

  25. I’d love a night out with my oldest, Addison!
    You ladies are the best- thanks for the opportunity 💛

  26. I would take my youngest daughter, she loves theater and especially Hamilton! We listen to the soundtrack all the time but one of my favorites is Aaron Burr, Sir. Such a catchy song, we quote it all the time!

  27. I love most of the songs, they are all so clever; Burn, What’d I Miss, Satisfied are among the top. My daughter and I listen to it on repeat during road trips. Would love the chance to see it with her, thank you for the opportunity!!

  28. “Immigrants, we get the job done!”
    And I always tear up hearing Washington sing “We’re gonna teach them how to say goodbye.”

  29. “One Last Time” when Washington says “I want to sit under my own vine and fig tree. A moment alone in the shade.” I love this take on scripture and making our nation a safe place and how he wants time to enjoy our nation in retirement.

  30. I haven’t seen the show live but I have seen the Disney+ version and I love the parts with King George. I love how hard it is for everyone to pick a favorite song or line because they are all so great!

  31. I would take my daughter, for my birthday, in “The rook where it happens” and would be an absolute blessing for us

    • Take my daughter, for my birthday, in “the room where it happens” and would be an absolute blessing to us

  32. “I’m watching it burn 🔥” but LOVE them ALL! This would be an awesome giveaway to win!

  33. I’m planning to take my daughter, she loves Hamilton. Her 14th birthday is next week and would love to be able to take a couple of her friends as well.
    “I’m not throwing away my shot!”

  34. Favorite songs: Burn, Satisfied and Wait for It.
    Favorite line: “Dying is easy young man, living is harder”
    Would love to see it with my mother who hasn’t seen it.

  35. The Room Where It Happens all the way! I would love to take my daughter for her August birthday!

  36. “Enter me! – He says in parentheses.” This line has this grammar nerd chuckle every time I hear it.
    I would take my son with me. When it was first released, he was in elementary school, but we poured over every lyric. We looked up every historical reference we didn’t know the full story. It took us a long time to get through it, but it paid off when he was Alexander Hamilton for his wax museum project. He still loves history in high school now!

  37. I would love to take my husband! “The Story of Tonight” is a good one.

  38. “I’m the one thing in life I can control,” is my favorite lyric from the song “Wait For It.” This lyric speaks volumes and is abundantly true. I’d love to take my husband to see “Hamilton.” We love the music, but haven’t seen it yet.

  39. My daughter would be so surprised if I won tickets so we could go. Hamilton is her favorite musical!

  40. I would love to take my 11 year old daughter!! You’ll be back- all the way! 🎉

  41. I would love to this show! I have always wanted to go!! Paige Young would be my plus 1.

  42. My favorite thing about Hamilton is listening to my oldest sing it, word for word. It’s her absolute favorite and these would be a PERFECT birthday gift for her!

  43. I don’t know any lyrics but my 16 year old has the entire show memorized.

  44. I would love to go on a date with my husband to see Hamilton, he’s such a good man and a fantastic husband who always has this mommas back.

  45. Hamilton has been on my bucket list since it first hit the stage and screen, yet I never made the time to indulge in the historic experience of it all. I do not know any of the songs, so winning this wonderful giveaway would force me to take a break and escape into it finally! And of course I would have to invite my dear friend Sonya whose birthday is actually August 20th!!

  46. I would love to sing I’m young, scrappy, and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot with my daughter who will be starting her first job on August 1st! What a magnificent celebration attending Hamilton would be!

  47. My favorite song is You’ll Be Back sung by the King. It just exemplifies the crown’s attitude the America could never succeed and it is really funny.

  48. Hamilton has been on my daughter’s bucket list since it first hit the stage and screen, yet we have never been able to indulge in the historic experience of it all. My daughter knows all the songs by heart. Winning this wonderful giveaway would give me and my daughter the chance to bond and experience it together!!

  49. I would take my strong and beautiful neice. She is 21 and just had a stroke. She really likes listening to musicals while she is recovering. Hamilton is is absolutely one of her most favorite.

  50. Love, love, love all of the King George songs. He has to be the best character. I would love to take my mom. She would enjoy the show.

  51. My daughter literally knows every song by heart but has never gotten to see it live. She would absolutely love it. 😍

  52. I would take our oldest daughter! She has been a huge Hamilton fan for years. Introduced it to her sisters as well. This is a bucket list item for her for sure. Would love to help her cross this one off the list, and make the memory of a lifetime!

  53. As any mom of a teenage girl knows, building that relationship between mom & daughter during the teen years can be a challenge to say the least! One thing that my teen and I have bonded over, though, is a mutual love of Broadway…specifically Hamilton! My daughter can literally sing every word to every song, but her favorite is “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story”. She gave 3 reasons why: 1) Great Message 2) The harmony & different parts are a “musical masterpiece” & 3) It’s just really cool!

  54. “My Shot”, I would take my son. His brother got to see it last time the show came to town, now it’s his turn!

  55. My daughter is the biggest Hamilton fan and would so love to experience this with her! ❤️

  56. I would love to take my best friend of 20+ years Hamilton is one of her favorites. I have never seen it!

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