Military Mama: Duty Calls

Fall Leaves

By Jade Stone

It appears that fall is finally here! And I am so ready for it!

Aside from the rain, the crisp chill in the air is a welcomed one. As you may well know the craft fairs were abundant this past weekend and the Bentonville/Rogers area was swarming with people! Hopefully you aren’t suffering from a “craft fair hangover” from this past weekend and have gotten rested up. It was a busy one at our house for sure!

Jay had drill in Topeka and was completely out of the picture, meanwhile, Jess had soccer on Saturday and I was tied up with our Scentsy booth at the John Q. Hammons center on Friday and Saturday till the wee hours Sunday morning. Jay would have been there however they changed his drill date from my Birthday weekend on the 30th of September to Jess’ Birthday weekend the 15th of October!

The last minute changes like that kill me. I personally am a planner. And much of what we do is planned far in advance so as to make sure we have time to do specific things. I don’t mind the occasional spontaneous change of plans, when it’s my change, of course. But I’m not quite so fond of changes that are made for us by the powers that be.  One might say I like to be in control of things and that “One” might be right! So as you can see, the military world does pose some challenges to the all mighty “Planner” because as many of you may well know, any and all things military are subject to change at a minute’s notice. This passed drill weekend for Jay was no exception.

As busy as Saturday was, I did have a brief moment to call Jay and talk with him.He told me about different guys who were being pulled off of the deployment due to health concerns and how hard it was for them. Their unit is literally leaving any day and is out processing as we speak and at the last minute, after spending months away from home, training day and night, they are sent home.

Certainly, the soldiers’ families are relieved and happy to have them back, however it’s a little different for the soldiers. As he described the disappointment and guilt laden joy they felt from not deploying, I could hear the same dismay in his own voice. I kinda figured that he himself was experiencing this same thing though he never came out and said it. It’s so hard for soldiers who have such a loyalty to “their men” to turn away and not go with them.

Even though this change in plans was not their choice, they still felt as though they were sending them off to fend for themselves. Now, the average person might say “No one person could save an entire brigade or is that important” and while that may be true, those with experience in military affairs know, it’s more about pride and loyalty than arrogance. Soldiers don’t believe they are in any way superior. However, they have pledged their devotion to the unit through blood, sweat, and tears shed in previous deployments, in addition to countless hours of training.

Many of those veterans understand the kind of allegiance I’m talking about. Jay mentioned his concern was for the young guys that had never been; he was looking forward to helping and supporting them on the journey, as he had taken them “under his wing” so to speak. Though he is deploying with a different group at a later date, Jay still feels a duty to be there and as a result, then feels guilty in some ways for feeling that way at all. After all, he should be happy he’s spending another year with us, and he is, but a small part of him really wants to be there with his boys.

That’s pretty serious loyalty. I don’t know many professionals who are so committed to their job that they would put themselves in harm’s way in an effort to protect their co-workers, with the exception of police and firefighters who do this daily. I am so proud of him and thankful that I married someone with a big enough heart to handle such a task. We will have been married 7 years this Saturday and am truly honored to have him in my life.  Though change is a constant part of our lives, he’s the constant part that I wouldn’t change.

I Love my soldier.

Jade welcomes your comments here as well as any suggestions you may have for her future posts. You may also e-mail her at To read previous Military Mama posts, CLICK HERE.

*Fall leaves photo by N-I-C-O via Flickr