3 Tips from The Organizer Chicks

organizerchicksWe love it when we have a chance to interview the ladies from The Organizer Chicks because those ladies KNOW things. They have seen tons of households in action, so they’ve developed the ability to quickly zero in on ways to make a person’s home and daily routine run more efficiently and effectively.

Here are three tips shared recently by Amber Taggard, owner and founder of The Organizer Chicks:

Tip No. 1

flat iron2We recently had a client say that, hours after she used it and is no longer home, she has the hardest time remembering whether she has unplugged/turned off her hair straightener or not. Does that happen to you?

Here’s the solution: Say, “The straightener is unplugged” and say it out loud. When you say it aloud, it will stand out in your memory better. If simply saying the words starts to lose potency, sing it in a silly voice. Doing so will take the task from mundane (and therefore easily forgettable) and move it into the category of something that stands out. It sounds crazy, but it works!

Tip No. 2

stopwatchSometimes the simplest organizing tips are really just the best. Here is a small motto with big potential impact: “If it takes less than two minutes to do, do it now.”

Letting multiple small tasks pile up to wait for you at the end of the night makes you feel tired and overwhelmed when it’s finally time to handle them, but remembering the “two minute” rule will make sure that you deal with minor jobs as they come up and your late-night pile of things to be done will be all but gone.

Tip No. 3

big_sale_tagIf you get caught up in making purchases because you “…can’t pass up a good deal,” consider this: It’s not a good deal if you don’t actually need it or if you let it go to waste.

If, a year from now, the item(s) you stock up on now taking up space and covered in dust, it’s not a good deal.

 A truly good deal means getting a fair price on something you were going to use anyway. It does not mean purchasing items you don’t need and may not use simply because they were on sale.

If you missed our Q&A interview with Amber Taggard, click here to read it now. For more tips and hands-on organizing help from The Organizer Chicks, click HERE to visit the website or call 479-270-2760 to talk to Amber.






