Just hearing the words Washington County Fair makes us all giddy inside!
The fair is our family’s annual tradition, not to be missed. From the animals to the fair food (caramel apples! corn dogs! lemonade! funnel cakes!) to the awesome midway of rides, we love visiting the county fair in Fayetteville!
Oh, and did we mention that The Hambone Express is back this year with Pig Races nightly at the fair?
Fun fact, the Washington County Fair is the largest county fair in the state and was founded in 1857.
This year, the Washington County Fair will run Aug. 30-Sept. 3. Yep, that means it starts Tuesday! Gates open at 10 a.m. If you’d like to take your kids this year and have some tickets already in your pocket, we’ve got you covered. We’ve got $500 worth of ride tickets to give away! TWO mamas will each win 250 doll-ahs worth. 🙂
HOW TO ENTER: If you’d love to win $250 worth of fair ride tickets, just click HERE or click on the word “comments” (right under the headline of this post) and scroll down to the bottom of the comments posted by other moms. Then post a comment telling us about something cool/funny/amazing/life-changing that happened to you at the Washington County Fair! If you’ve never had an opportunity to visit the Fayetteville county fair, tell us what you’re looking forward to doing!
Click here to see the full schedule of events at the fair!
You can also email your answer to us at giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.
INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF WINNING: Help us spread the word about this giveaway by emailing your friends and family about the giveaway. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for every person you tell. Just be sure to put giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com on the CC line of your note so we can give you proper credit.
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BE SOCIAL: You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
CLICK HERE to visit the Washington County Fair website to find out more! CLICK HERE to like them on Facebook and see the latest news! We’ll choose the TWO WINNERS this MONDAY at 5 p.m., so sign up quick!
When I was a kid I saw a baby cow being born. I had no idea how this processed worked and started to fully realize how much work farmer put into taking care of animals, and our food. Mind you this was at a different state fair but I am hoping to teach my son the same lesson. How hard farmers work each day to take care of our food.
We’ve never been but we are planning to go this year! I’ve got a 8yr old and a 3yr old so we’re excited to eat yummy fair food and ride as many rides as we can!! We’d love to win!
I can’t wait to ride the tilt a whirl and eat a funnel cake with my kiddos!
And I also follow you on Twitter and Pinterest.
We had a blast last year at the fair. My kids loved the rides and the food there. We are so excited to go there next week.
I have lived in Fayetteville for 8 years and have never been to the fair. I am looking forward to taking my grandson this year. I really think he’s going to love the pig races.
We have only lived in Fayetteville for 3 years and have never been. We have twins who will be 4 years old in October! They are going to have a BLAST!!!
One year we took our 5 year old daughter to the fair. She went in the fun house and was trying to walk through the big moving circle and she just could not walk through that thing. She finally laid down and gave up. They finally had to stop the ride so she could get off. We were all laughing so hard. She had fun and we made a lasting memory.
I can’t think of anything life changing and particularly memorable, and we’ve only done the fair a few times, but it’s always fun to see the excitement and joy the kids have seeing the animals, riding the rides, looking at all the crafts and eating the yummy foods! We love to do anything that allows us to spend time as a family.
Oops- I meant to add the I follow on Twitter and Pinterest and commented and shared on Facebook. :)!
Can you believe I’ve never taken my 4 kids to the Washington fair and we’ve lived here since 2009!!! Bad mommy! We usually go to the Sebastian County fair where we used to live, so I would LOVE to win tickets and start a new traditional with my babies!
I follow you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and pinterest… Cuz I love ya! 😉
LOVE the fair!!!! My little one has never been!
We have always entered things into the fair. We love going and seeing all the animals. A few years ago we met a pig named Peaches. My kiddos still talk about peaches the pig.
Being a single mama of 4 i have never taken my kids to the fair! We went to the circus for the first time about a month ago and loved it!! We enojoy swmiing and being outdoors amd together as a family!!! Good luck to all you mamas!!!
I grew up in central Arkansas, so I went to the State Fair in Little Rock. I loved the water guns that shoot into the clown mouths that blew up the balloons over their heads. I loved that!
Hi i just moved here last september with myself and my 4 kids. We just went to the cicrus for the first time ever last month and my kids loved it!! We dont get to do alot of socal events becuase of the expense but we go swimming and hiking and spend alot of outdoor time together. Good luck to all you mamas!! Thanks!!!
I have been taking my kiddos to the Washington Co. Fair since the oldest was just 8 months old. We love walking through the animal barns and riding the ferris wheel. I follow you on Twitter and Pinterest, and commented on FB.
Last year was our first year to attend the Washington County Fair, and we had a blast! My, then 10 year old, daughter entered her first sewing project. She was so excited when it won a first place ribbon! We are looking forward to another great experience this year!
Would love to go this year. We haven’t been in several years but love the fair food.
I can’t wait to take our little one and let her try funnel cake for the first time! She’s going to LOVE the fair.
Nothing life changing but one of my favorite memories was riding the Ferris wheel for the first time with my oldest when she was really little. She loved it!
Love seeing the animals.
Last year, our son won blue ribbons for a rooster and a hen that we had! Pretty neat!
Our kids love the animals. A few years ago, we were visiting the goats, our daughter’s favorite, when one of them grabbed her shirt and yanked her closer to the pen. She thought it was AWESOME that the goat liked her so much!
Have never been to the Washington County Fair but I know my 6 year old would love seeing all the animals and she would definitely love the rides!
My oldest son had an obsession with all things tractors when he was little and the Washington County Fair was the first place he got to watch a tractor pull. I was bored to tears, but he loved it. My youngest 2 children have never been, but they love rides and animals, so I know we’d have a blast! I follow you all on Twitter and Pinterest and subscribe to the weekly update.
I’ve never actually been to the Washington County Fair, but I look forward to going, mostly for the food! 😉
I haven’t been, but would love to eat some yummy fair food!
I’ve never been to the Washington County Fair but I LOVE fair foods and seeing all the animals!
I love taking my kids to the fair!! They always have so much fun and it’s so much for fun for me to see them enjoying each other’s company!! I honestly don’t know how they are MY kids because they LOVE to go on all of those crazy rides!!
My daughter just saw something yesterday off the Highway advertising this! She is excited for the “boat that takes you back and forth and gets higher and higher.” I call it the Mighty Mountain because it starts off slow and then….Wham-your in the air waving your hands. Cant wait!! 🙂
I got to go with my daughter on her first rollercoaster ride at the Washington Co fair. Sweet and fun memories.
I love how every year I can see the change in my children when they react to the animals and rides. Each year, they gain more and more independence, and it is so special to watch that happen.
We look forward to the fair every year! My daughter loves all of the animals as well as the rides. We love making memories as a family there and we enjoy the food too. We are really looking forward to going this year!!
My children will love seeing the animals, riding the rides, and enjoying a funnel cake!
The one and only time I’ve been to the Washington County Fair was 5 years ago, and I took my exchange student at the time, along with one of his friends. He was 15, from France, and was enjoying riding every ride there. He chugged a bunch of lemonade or something and then got on the Scrambler, which is definitely one of the more mild rides. As soon as he stepped out of the little gate surrounding the ride when it was over, he stepped to the side of the ride, threw up for a solid 30 seconds, stood up, looked at me, started laughing, and said “on to the next one!” It was definitely memorable and was pretty funny!
We have never been, and have this on our NWA to-do list for 2016!! I have always loved the idea of having family pics taken at a fair! We would LOVE to win!!!!
I’ve never been to the fair and look forward to spending some quality time with my kiddos!
I have never been to the WCF. I always went to my hometown fair as a kid. I would love to take my daughter. She is 5!
What a fantastic giveaway! I’ve never been to the Washington County fair, but several years ago at the Iowa State fair I was flabbergasted with the quilt displays, so much so that I started quilting myself! I’m looking forward to the yummy food!
LOVED the fair each year in my town when I was a kid. I was even the queen one year and loved handing out the ribbons! My family has never been to the fair here. All 5 kiddos would be so excited to see all the animals and ride the rides!
I can remember attending the Washington County Fair since I was young. I grew up in participating in 4H projects at the fair and now enjoy taking my children to see the animals, eat fun fair food and ride rides!
My son tried the Ferris wheel for the first time last year, at age 5 and loooooved it. Looking forward to going again!
I also follow nwaMotherlode on Twitter, FB and subscribe to the newsletter 🙂
We are excited to take our 1 year for the 1st time to see the animals.
Follow you on Pinterest!
I remember being dropped off with a group of friends every year for midnight madness!
I went to the fair as a teenager. I remember riding the Zipper and my friend, my ride home, lost her keys on the ride. They ended finding them on top of a nearby building….four hours later. Good times at the fair!! I would love to take my kids, they have never been.
The Washington County Fair was the where we were when our twins were able to ride a ride by themselves for the first time. It was one of those jeep rides that goes in a circle and makes the annoying honking sound. The smiles on their faces were priceless and their reactions were memories in the making. I couldn’t believe that they had finally gotten to an age that they could do these type of things on their own and we had survived getting them there! 🙂
I our 15 years in NWA no one in my family has ever been to the fair. 🙁 Hoping to change that soon!
When I was a kid, I remember getting super dizzy on the ride we called the Salt and Pepper Shakers when I went to the fair.
I love the fair! I always have. I grew up going to it every year going and I still go with my husband today! I’d love to win some tickets to go again this year!
Funnel cake and rides are the best
Ready to take my two teenagers and three year old to the fair!
When my kids were in the youth group at our church and I was a youth sponsor, one of our fundraising project was to clean the toilets at the Washington County fair!! We had a lot of fun and made some good memories! Now cleaning the carny bathrooms as we called them wasn’t so fun but all in all we usually had a great time!
I’m looking forward to the great food, takes me back to childhood.
I got to see a lot of my son’s first rides at Washington county fair. Now he’s old enough to do more 🙂
I rode the “zipper” with a friend and realized it really wasn’t that terrifying! It was sort of a rush! I loved the animals and I’m excited to take my daughter. I stepped in cow poop the first time going though so…wear appropriate shoes!! My daughter & I both have funnel cake together as well! It’s a great time!
Riding the Himilaya and being smashed against the inside of the seat and deafened by the blasting 80’s rock music!!
Love the fair and would be awesome to go budget free!!!
Would love to take my 4 little ones to see all the animals and ride rides
Attending the Washington Co. Fair was a yearly tradition in my family! It was always the kickoff to fall! We loved visiting the animal and horticulture barns…and the rides! 🙂
I am a mother of 3, ages 3, 6, & 13. My 3 & 6 year old have never been able to go to the fair because of our financial situation. I have always wanted to take them so badly. All 3 of them would love to see the animals & would be thrilled to go on the rides.
Getting to take all my kids on the ferris wheel last year was amazing.”look kids, there’s Fayetteville!”
I’ve never been but would love to take our kids!!
I’ve not been to Washington co fair. I would love to go to see the livestock and home arts exhibits, and of course ride some rides!
We’ve never been to the Fayetteville fair, but I’d love to take my kids. We look forward to the fair foods.
I love the faces of our young kids as they watch the rides, see the animals, and pick out a special treat (cotton candy, frozen drinks, or my favorite FUNNEL CAKE!!).
It’s been about 4 years since we’ve been . Our kiddos were much younger. But funny memory from it…thought I was taking fantastic pics of the kids on all the rides. This was back when I was still using a camera not on my phone…lol. Needless to say, all of the pics turned out horrible! Not an action shot photographer! Just pic after pic of lit up blurs.
When I was a teenager i went to the fair with a group of my friends. They convinced me to ride the gravitron – mistake! When I got off I thought I was going to puke my guts out. I felt so bad that I laid down on the sidewalk (totally sprawled out with face on the ground) right on the midway! Do you know how DISGUSTING that is at a county fair?!? But I felt so so bad. After several minutes I began to feel better and was able to get up and eventually ride a few more rides, but whew! that was a horrible feeling!
I have never gone to the Washington county fair! I’m sure my boys would love free tickets!
We love seeing the goats dressed in clothes and bonnets!! 🙂
Have been going to the Washington County Fair for 50 something years. Would love to take my grandkids for sweet memories!
Is it bad that I’m most excited about the food lol?
6 years ago at the fair, the greasy food smells made me feel nauseated instead of hungry….my first sign that i was pregnant with our 3rd kid.
We love the farm animals!! Love the rides! Love the food!