Pet Parenting: Help for itchy dogs with spring allergies

If your fur babies can’t stop scratching, biting their own skin, licking their paws or scooting their booty on the floor, they probably have allergies — just like the rest of us. If you’ve ever had allergy trouble yourself, you know how miserable it makes you feel. Dogs feel it, too. They need relief, just like people do.

Check out this great article by the Animal Humane Society website, which gives a list of the common symptoms as well as easy things you can do at home to help your pups. Some of the tips are as simple as making sure you wipe your dog down when he or she comes in from outside. Get the pollen off the dog before it drives him nuts, and he spreads it to your sofa or bedding.

But if your dogs are like mine and the allergy symptoms get severe, talk to your veterinarian soon. There are some things vets can do to help relieve the allergy misery. For example, my vet gives our dogs Cytopoint injections about once every 6 to 8 weeks during allergy season. This has made a huge improvement for our family’s dogs. And we can still give the dogs an occasional over-the-counter allergy pill on days when the pollen count is super high.

Click here for an article from the University of Wisconsin that gives info about Cytopoint injections, effectiveness, cost, and safety. Talk to your vet about it before making a decision.