We have some FABULOUS local libraries and they have great events for kids, including weekly story times.
Here’s a list of 2017-18 winter/spring story times:
Fayetteville Public Library
Baby Bookworms, Ages birth to 24 months:
This story time recognizes the developmental needs and attention spans of the children this age. Parents/Caregivers interact with their babies through a variety of nursery rhymes, action rhymes, songs, and stories. Sign up is not required.

Monday and Thursday @ 9:45 am, Walker Community Room
[Watch Live] Thursdays only at 9:45 a.m.
Toddler Time, Ages 2 – 3:
Toddler Time gives special care to include opportunities for movement, short, developmentally-appropriate stories, and weekly repetition with the goal to develop an early appreciation of books and stories, foster self-esteem in young children, and have fun! Sign up is not required.
Monday and Thursday @ 10:30 am, Walmart Storytime Room
[Watch Live] Thursdays only at 10:30 a.m.
Preschool Storytime, Ages 3 – 5:
These 30-minute programs feature a variety of stories, music, puppetry, finger plays and a craft. Sign up is not required.
Tuesday and Wednesday @ 10:30 am, Walmart Storytime Room
[Watch Live] Wednesdays only at 10:30 a.m.
Fun Side Note: The Fayetteville Public Library also has a dial-a-story option where you can call and hear their librarians read stories! Just call 479-856-7200. FPL also has a cafe just inside the front doors for you to sit down and have snacks and drinks (including caffeine for mama!). You can buy snacks or bring your own. There’s seating inside and outside!
CLICK HERE for more info about FPL story times.
Springdale Public Library
Rattle & Rhyme Toddler Time, Birth through Age 3:
This program is a great way for caregivers to introduce toddlers to language, literature and the Library through stories, songs and rhymes.
Tuesday, 11 a.m.; Wednesday, 9:30 am & 11 am, Children’s Department
Wigglers & Jigglers Pre-School Story Time, Ages 3-5:
Pre-school Story Time gives children and their caregivers the opportunity to enjoy books, songs, puppets, fingerplays, and a simple craft project.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 am & 11:00 am, Children’s Auditorium
Fun Side Note: The Springdale Library is next to the “duck park” (otherwise known as Murphy Park), so after you pick out your books, you can go have a picnic and share your bread crumbs with the ducks and geese! There’s also a playground, walking trail, picnic tables and more.
Click here to visit the SPL website for more info on story times and themes!
Rogers Public Library
Winter/Spring 2018 Programs for Babies/Toddlers/Preschoolers:
The Winter/Spring sessions will run from Monday, January 8 to Saturday, May 19. Library closed Jan. 14 & 15; Feb. 18 & 19; Apr. 1; May 27 & 28
Baby Classes: Mondays from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Rhymes, songs, stories, and movement to promote phonological awareness, provide stimulation & more! Best for children between the ages of 0-30 months.

Toddler Classes: Mondays from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Stories, rhymes, songs, craft, learning to sit still, to listen, to interact socially & more! Best for children between the ages of 2 and 3 years.
Babies Play 2 Learn: Feb. 3, Mar. 3, Apr. 7 & May 5 from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Babies ages 0-30 months and their care givers are welcome to come learn and play with sensory items, books, toys, & more!
Toddlers Play 2 Learn: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14 & May 12 from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Toddlers ages 2-3 years and their care givers are welcome to come learn through playing. Stories, crafts, games, and more!
Preschool Classes: Thursdays from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Stories, Songs, rhymes, working on skills to prepare for Kindergarten – listening, following directions, story comprehension, and more! Best for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years.
Preschoolers Play 2 Learn: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Mar. 17, Apr. 21, & May 19 from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Children ages 3-5 years and their care givers are invited to join us for games, activities, and crafts designed to help preschoolers build their communication, problem-solving, scissors, fine motor, following directions skills.
Hands On: Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:30 am. This is a sensory program for children ages 0 – 5 years. The library will have a variety of materials such as blocks, balls, craft supplies, textures, colors, etc., for children to examine and describe, utilize, and learn.
Creative Constructors: Tuesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 pm & Saturday Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 24, Apr. 28, & May 26 from 10:30-11:30 am. Children ages 0-12 years and their families are welcome to build, learn, and play with LEGO® and Duplo® bricks!
Family Storytime: Mondays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Songs, rhymes and stories that fill your imagination and expand your knowledge. A craft will follow this 25 minute storytime.
Fun Side Note: The Rogers Public Library offers “Fun With Reading Kits” which are PERFECT for summer road trips or plane ride. Fun with Reading Kits are bundles of library materials including books, audiobooks, and/or magazines pulled by Children’s Library staff and selected specifically for your children. You just fill out a form and they pull materials sure to keep your children occupied based on your child’s age and interests. You can self-select the date you would like to pick up the materials and when you will return them after your vacation. Click here to read more about that neat little perk!
Click here to visit the RPL library website for more info on story times and other events!
Bentonville Public Library
Baby Play & Rhyme Time, Birth to 24 months
Recognizing the developmental needs and attention spans of young children, Baby Play & Rhyme Time is an approximate 15 minute program that encourages interaction through simple books, bubbles, music, rhymes and playtime. This program gives your baby the opportunity to hear lots of language while you get to know other young families.
Thursday @ 9:30 am
Toddler Storytime, Ages 2-3:
Tales & Tunes for Toddlers is a short 20 minute active program that promotes positive learning experiences through short picture books, rhymes, fingerplays, flannel boards, puppetry and weekly repetition. Parents and children are encouraged to sit together for easy interaction. Tales & Tunes for Toddlers will help your child develop an early appreciation for books while encouraging emerging language skills. Coloring sheets follow storytime.

Tuesday & Wednesday @ 9:30 am
Preschool Stories, ages 3-5:
Preschool Stories is a 30 minute program sharing the best of children’s literature and illustrations, action rhymes and songs. This program will build language, literacy and listening skills while developing a love of books, the library and the joy of reading. Related craft activities will explore a variety of media.
Tuesday & Wednesday @ 10:30 am
Evening Storytime, for families:
Evening Storytime is a quiet 30 minute family storytime where children can unwind with books, rhymes, songs and crafts. Come to Evening Storytime to prepare your children for lifelong learning , while experiencing an enjoyable evening at the Library! Families are encouraged to participate and to borrow related materials to read together at home.
Tuesday @ 6:30 pm
Saturday Storytime, for families:
Make the most of your weekend by joining us for Saturday Storytime, where the whole family shares and enjoy books, songs, rhymes and craft activities that help children build critical language, literacy and listening skills. At Saturday Storytime, we learn and have fun!
Saturday @ 2 pm
Play Cafe Preschool Storytime:
Play Café is a playgroup where children and caregivers can relax, laugh, build community, and interact with peers. Each week toys and manipulatives will be out for play, as well as, featured book(s) with a related activity for children to engage with literature. This unstructured storytime setting allows caregivers and children more time to arrive and leave when needed in a flexible setting where they can engage in a self-lead storytime.
10:30 a.m. Thursdays
Storytime at the Bentonville Community Center:
10:30 a.m. first Friday of each month
Fun Side Note: In recent years, Bentonville has developed a master trail plan that focuses on an interconnected trail system that benefits health and wellness for citizens. BPL is considered a point of interest on the City’s Downtown Trail. A short stroll from Bentonville Public Library, people can visit the Peel Mansion and Heritage Garden, the Bentonville Square, Walmart Visitors Center, Compton Gardens and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
CLICK HERE to visit the BPL website and learn about all their fun activities!
Be sure to visit each library’s website for other fun events they have planned!