Hey, mamas! You’re invited to join our radio chat this morning (Thursday the 7th) on Magic 107.9 between 8 and 9 a.m. We’ll be stopping by for our weekly visit about all things mom with Jennifer Irwin and Guy Westmoland during the Magic in the Morning radio show. This week we’ll be talking about moms and fashion. Specifically, we’ll chat about the “mom uniform” which goes hand in hand with “mom hair” and the dreaded “mom jeans”.
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We’ll be discussing the importance of taking time for yourself. Mamas can’t always be last on the list! And we’ll be asking listeners to call in with their fondest fashion mishaps. Spit-up down your back all the way through Target (you had no idea)? Shirt tucked into your nursing bra? Gwen has a really funny story that she’ll share.
Speaking of mama style, if you love make-up, we’ve pulled together a few links from our category, Beauty Buzz:
Prevent melting make-up on hot days
And here are a few articles from our resident Fashion Mama where you’ll be able to snag some good ideas: