Congratulations to Tabitha, Becky W., Sara Eichmann, Lyndsay Wade and Brittany (from Bliss Design Studio)! Each of these 5 mamas won tickets to the VIP event at the NWA Boutique Show the morning of Nov. 16th.
Today we’re giving away tickets to the Friday Night Girls’ Night Out!
As a reminder for those who’ve never been, at this show you can shop over 150 merchants featuring thousands of one-of-a-kind and custom items, including home decor, gifts, clothing, gourmet food, holiday decor, children’s items, art and more.
Plus? We’ll have a Motherlode booth there again this year and we’re planning a spectacular giveaway for the show. If you need to pump, nurse, bottle feed or change your baby, we’ll have a private area behind our booth for that. We ♥ being media sponsors every year at this show. Please stop by and say hello!
But right now, let’s get to this week’s giveaway:
Five winners will each receive ticket packages which include 2 Girls’ Night Out passes, 5 general admission tickets and 1 $15 merchant gift certificate to be used at the show! This is a $70 value for each bundle!
About the GNO Shopping Event, Friday, Nov. 16, from 5-9 p.m.:
The lights go down and the fun goes up! Win amazing prizes from merchants, shop to tunes from D.J. Brian, grab a beverage and taste delicious samples from JJ’s Grill, South Coast Baking, Nestle Pure Life, Big Orange, Local Lime, and Lost Forty Brewing! All GNO guests will receive free return admission Saturday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tickets are just $12 online (through 11/15 at noon) or $15 at the door* with a portion of proceeds benefiting Junior Civic League! Online ticketing recommended due to limited supply. *No strollers will be permitted during this special event. A limited number of tickets are available and everyone (including children) are required to hold a ticket. However, children under 12 are admitted free during general shopping hours.
Each of the five nwaMotherlode winners will receive a $15 gift card to one of the following Boutique Show merchants:

If you’d love to win one of these 5 Girls’ Night Out bundles, click on the word “comments” (right under the headline of this post) and scroll down to the bottom of the comments posted by other moms.
Then write a quick comment telling us your idea of a perfect Girls’ Night Out in Northwest Arkansas (besides the annual boutique show, of course!).
You can also email your answer to us at
Help us spread the word about this giveaway by emailing your friends and family about the giveaway. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for every person you tell. Just be sure to put on the CC line of your note so we can give you proper credit.
Our newsletter subscribers get access to the good stuff, including exclusive giveaways (like this one), information about local events, local mom interviews, recipes and more.
It’s delivered straight to your inbox so you don’t miss anything awesome. CLICK HERE to sign up. We won’t fill your inbox with info, no worries. We only send out newsletters when there’s something in it for you — and we know you’ll be interested in hearing about it.
You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Pinterest. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
We’ll choose the 5 winners on Friday, so keep an eye on your inbox! Click here to visit the NWA Boutique Facebook page!
Dinner and coffee with friends
Dinner and a movie
Dinner and girl time catching up!
Anything w/food and wine! No seriously, we all need our girl friends, so any time we can just sit around and talk, vent, laugh and hug is a great night out to me!!!!!
Any night out with my girls is a great night!
Dinner out and a fun movie
My favorite girls nights are at a friends house. Everyone brings food and drinks. We play games and laugh the night away!
Dinner and a chick flick!
Dinner and drinks with friends!
Night out with daughter. Shopping.
Best times are getting together at someone’s house for appetizers and drinks and maybe s craft or some other type of project to work on while we catch up. Always fun!!
Dinner and hanging out!
Food, Wine, bon fire and a few of my best friends just hanging out at someone’s house.
Dinner and just hanging out and talking!
Girls night out– Where we talk over dinner and share our crazy stories about our crazy families. We leave feeling less crazy and ready to take on another week. 🙂
Girls night is great music, dancing,drinks and laughter
Dinner out with the girls is always so great. Somewhere fun but quiet enough for us to catch up & laugh!
just being together anywhere
I love doing something active with my girl squad! An escape room, trampoline park, hiking, bike riding, skiing, let’s get out and see the stuff! Then hit the brewery and some live music afterward to relax 🙂
Dinner and drinks with friends.
There is a group of 8 of us that graduated together many years ago but still are best friends and stay in touch even though we are miles apart. So anytime we can get together in our hometown where we graduated we meet for dinner and crack up so loud the other customers look at us like we’re crazy (which we are)!
Either coffee out with friends or an evening at a friends house with snacks and games!
Dinner, drinks, and lots of laughing!
Dinner and shopping is one of our favorites! No kids whining about shopping and no husbands trying to rush us😂😂
Catching up and not chasing a toddler around!
A perfect girls night out (other than the nwa boutique show) would be a craft night with appetizers and drinks.
My favorite would be shopping,dinner followed by a good movie with friends. I know it’s a lot but when it happens it’s the absolute best!
Shopping, eating, and reminiscing with great friends.
I love 💕 my friends and love our time together. So I would say pedi’s to relax and chat and then of course some food!
Dinner and shopping or a movie.
Following on Pinterest.
Nice jog or walk and drink afterwards.
Dinner, shopping, movies – sitting around talking! Anything with friends!
A night iof fun with my girls!!
A quiet evening of just moms at someone’s house with a pot luck style supper and plenty of sangria!
Dinner and a movie!
Also, I followed on Pinterest.
Dinner and a movie! I follow on Pinterest, Twitter and get the newsletter. I also commented/shared the giveaway on FB!
Dinner and drinks with lots of laughing!
Dinner & a movie!
Bunco is so fun with great friends!
Shopping, dinner, and coffee!
Meeting friends at Jose’s for a little music and great food
Mojitos and lots of laughter!
Grabbing a bite and catching up! This girls night out would be so fun! I’ve never been!
Shopping, dinner, and/or movie
Dinner and dancing with my girlfriends!!!
Get night to get out and spend some serious GIRL time! I would love to take my daughter with me to this event.