Five Minutes with a Mom: Janet Roberts

Janet Roberts

Name: Janet Roberts

Daughters’ names and ages: Melody is 32 (she made me a grandma, two girls of course!), Sheri is 30 (she married a German and moved to Germany this year), Monica is 18 and a senior in High School.

Where are you from and how long have you lived in NWA? We moved to Arkansas from Central OK August 6, 1965, my 6th birthday.

What is some advice you would give other moms who will be experiencing the empty nest? Have more babies!  I did and I’ve never regretted it.  Our older girls were 12 & 14 when the realization of impending empty nest hit me.  I realized it wouldn’t be long before the girls were gone and I wasn’t ready.  We had one more daughter; adored by all and a blessing to me even more since my husband died two years ago.  We were 22 days shy of our 33rd wedding anniversary.

Do you have any advice for how to survive widowhood? Don’t have regrets.  The only way to avoid them is to live each day like it is the last you will have together.  This website was a blessing to me when Brad died. I signed up for the daily email…just what I needed when I needed it.

How did you meet your boyfriend? We met when I was 15 and he was 21.  I thought he was so handsome. We dated for about a year, but not until after my 18th birthday.  Thirty four years later we got reacquainted.  He didn’t know I was a widow…so I had to work that into the conversation.  We have been dating since.

We understand you have a personal “rule” about doing things that pull you out of your comfort zone. Will you tell us about it?  I decided a few years ago if I am asked to do something that is outside of my comfort zone, but it won’t hurt me, I’ll do it.

Tell us about your job at DaySpring: I have a great job.  I am one of the travel coordinators for the company but I also coordinate focus groups.  We host 25 or more events each year and we are always looking for more participants.

Where does your family love to play in NWA? Crystal Bridges is a new favorite, the Safari in Gentry, and since we are a family of mostly girls… the mall.  I love home improvement stores and flea markets.

Do you have any fun hobbies? I love to bake and sew, but there isn’t much time for that these days.

What’s something your friends might not know about you? They might not realize how shy I am.  I am chatty, but in a group I panic.

Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life? Lucille Ball!  Wasn’t she fabulous?!

What’s something you have always wanted to do? I’ve always wanted to write a book.

What are three things you always have with you? Don’t ask Monica this question because she thinks I lose everything; my phone, car keys and sweet memories of my family.

How do you unwind at the end of the day? Sitting in the living room with my sweetie and my baby girl, drinking coffee.

One word to sum me up … Blessed