Doc Talk: What you need to know about heartburn

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We’re nearly at the end of Heart Month, so we’re wrapping things up with a topic that may sound like it’s heart-related but it’s actually more of a common stomach problem — heartburn. So many people struggle with heartburn, and most moms know how it can really become a nuisance during pregnancy. But when does heartburn cross the line from annoying into an issue that deserves a closer look and possibly a prescription medication? And can it be stress-related?

We asked Dr. Chad Wingington, a gastroenterologist with Mercy Health, to give us a little straight talk on heartburn. In the video below, you’ll learn what other conditions heartburn can sometimes lead to — including more serious things like scar tissue and trouble swallowing.

Click the play arrow below to see Dr. Chad Wigington, a gastroenterologist with Mercy Health, talk about what you should know about heartburn.

To schedule an appointment with Dr, Wigington or any of the doctors at Mercy’s Gastroenterology Clinic , call 479-338-3030 or click HERE to visit them online. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is for informational purposes only and isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor if you have questions about a medical condition. Don’t delay getting professional medical advice because of something you read online. This website doesn’t necessarily recommend or endorse any specific tests, doctors, products, procedures or opinions discussed on the site.