Doc Talk: “Test” your husband


Many husbands like to act all macho and pretend they never get sick and therefore never need to see a doctor. But the truth is, they do. We know it, and they know it, too, even though they’ll deny it all day. Avoiding check-ups can lead to serious problems down the road. So sometimes it pays off to johnson.jpgbe a nag and pester him until he finally goes in for that check-up you know he really needs.

When he does go to the doctor, there are a few tests that he should know about and ask for. In today’s video Doc Talk, Dr. Chris Johnson of Mercy Health System of Northwest Arkansas will give you a quick run-down of the tests most men in their mid-thirties or older need to have done. (You could drop a hint to your hubby by e-mailing him a link to this post!)

For more info on Dr. Johnson’s training and expertise, just click on his photo on the right to see a bio video. Dr. Johnson works at the Rogers Medical Center which is located in the Physicians Plaza, right next door to Mercy Hospital. You can reach his office by calling 479-338-5555.

For more “virtual visits” to the doctor’s office, click HERE or on the Health category on the right to see previously published Doc Talk video podcasts. Stay healthy!

Q: My husband HATES going to the doctor. When I finally convince him to go, what tests should I insist he have done? He is 35-years-old.

Click the play arrow below to watch Dr. Johnson give the answer!