We’ve all had those days when circumstances force us to decide — Are you gonna laugh or are you gonna cry?
Well, Heather Davis is going to laugh. And she’s going to make you laugh, too. Hard. And often. So do not drink a carbonated beverage while you read “TMI Mom: Oversharing My Life,” because I can promise you it’s going to come flying out your nose. You’ve been warned.
I met Heather for the first time at a rehearsal for a show called “Listen To Your Mother,” which features women reading their own essays and stories about motherhood on stage for an audience (lclick here to get tickets to this year’s show at Walton Arts Center on May 30). Heather made a huge impression on me that day because I realized that, not only is she funny, she’s “ninja funny,” which means you won’t even see the funny coming until POW — it hits you from out of nowhere and suddenly Dr. Pepper is spewing out your nose before you even knew what was happening.
What starts out as a perfectly normal story about her daughter’s playdate swerves unexpectedly and suddenly Heather is cramped up in the closet waiting to be rescued from a game of hide-and-go-seek gone awry.
Heather is a master of finding the absurdity of everyday moments and turning day-to-day motherhood into something that reads more like adventure. This book will give you plenty of giggles and snorts and laughing-so-hard-that-my-eyes-are-watering moments. But you will also be touched by the fact that, at the core of it all is a mama who loves her babies and loves her husband. Through all the hilarity, that love shines through and resonates with fellow moms.
Pick this book up when you need a laugh, and tuck it into your travel bag for this summer’s vacation. The stories are short enough to let you snack on a few while you’re poolside with the kids and then again after your husband falls asleep watching Sportscenter.
Heather might be “oversharing” her life, but I along with so many other readers are finding that we just can’t get enough.
To read more reviews or to buy a copy of TMI Mom: Oversharing My Life, by Heather Davis, click HERE to skip over to Amazon. Happy reading!