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Mom Blogs:

When good dogs get old

This morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw our dogs, Holly and E.J., lying on the deck in a patch of sunlight. Sprawled out alongside each other, the curve of their backs fit […]

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Mom Blogs:

The sound of silence

When I was a little girl, my mother and I had a tradition. On a special night in September, she’d cook popcorn on the stove, make Coke floats and we’d settle in on the sofa […]

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Mom Blogs:

Today I laid an egg

Lessons learned in an unglamorous life Parenthood is not a glamorous sport. Often it can be downright humbling. Some days, it sneaks a toe over the line into “humiliating.” Last Sunday was one of those […]

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All Akimbo

All Akimbo

I told myself it was pointless, that I was a hypochondriac, that I was torturing myself for no good reason. It was the eve of my first surgery ever – unless you count the c-section […]

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Beauty Buzz

Dear Amy

Dear Amy, I’m looking for a new foundation for my oily skin. I want a good product that won’t make me break-out, but if I spend more than $20 on it, my husband will have […]

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Beauty Buzz

Dear Amy

Dear Amy, Sometimes when I look in my makeup mirror, I think my pores look roughly the size of my toddler’s kiddie pool. Is there really a product out there that will shrink the size […]

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Beauty Buzz

Dear Amy

Dear Amy, I was watching one of those makeover shows the other day and the makeup artist said that the woman’s look was very “dated.” Now I’m paranoid that I’m “dated”, too, because I’ve been […]

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Beauty Buzz

The fabulous five

Beauty Buzz Product Reviews Laura Mercier Brow Powder Duo “Can’t live without this little gem. I am a victim of my own mid-90s over-plucking and this powder helps hide the damage. You have to buy […]