Kristal Hollingsworth is a mama of 5, which includes a set of boy triplets. She and her husband, Andy, just moved their oldest daughter, Rylie, into her dorm room at college over the weekend. Meanwhile, she also has a new driver and three busy 6-year-olds.
Here’s our interview with Kristal:
Kids’ names and ages:
Rylie-18 Carson-16 Driver-6 Cruz-6 Ryder-6
What’s the best thing about having such a big family?
Christmas morning! and that everyone has someone to play with or talk to all the time.
What’s the best thing about having TRIPLETS?
Watching 3 human beings simultaneously figure day to day tasks out. It’s interesting.
What’s something people ask you over and over when you’re out with the triplets?
“Are they all yours??”
Tell us about the group you started for triplet moms:
I wouldn’t take credit for “starting” the group. Honestly I can’t remember how it started. The early years are a blur:) Somehow a few of us found each other and started having dinner once a month. Before we knew it, we had 8 moms joining for dinner! All local! It’s the one place I get to go and my “normal” is understood. Every time we ask the waiter to take our picture. One of these days I’m going to take a picture of the servers face when we tell them we all have triplets….it’s priceless.
We talk, laugh, ask advice… all the things all moms do. Figure out potty training for 3….. separate or not for school, ideas on singleton dates … etc.
How many people are in the group?
A few families just moved away. I believe we have 8 that meet?? Maybe 9.

What’s the funniest thing that happened to you as a mom most recently?
One of the trips asked to sleep in a large box we had from a shipment. It’s been 4 weeks and he’s still sleeping in the box. I just look away:)
The scariest?
When they were about 2 I hadn’t realized one had gotten out of the house. When I noticed and went to find him he was almost to the road. It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes in time but it gave me a heart attack.
What have been your go-to things to do with the kids this summer in NWA?
This year…FINALLY…swimming has been really fun! And I love the Motherlode site for things to do… when I have singleton dates this site is a staple.
What about time for yourself? Where are your alone-time happy places?
What is this word “alone” you speak of??? I’m kidding… I usually stay up way too late after everyone goes to bed to get my to do list done. I love any patio, anytime….a beach for any amount of time…going to my momma’s house.
How did you and your husband meet?
I was at Powerhouse having dinner with friends. I stepped outside to take a phone call and when I came back, he was sitting in my chair. We haven’t gone a day without talking since then.
Was it love at first sight?
Well…it was lust at first sight!:) We definitely had chemistry at first sight….
What’s a meal you make over and over for your family (or a restaurant that’s your saving grace)?
Family size chicken pot pie….everyone in the house loves it!
If you could magically have a new skill, what would it be?
To be in 5 places at once…
What’s something your friends might not know about you?
I’m studying for a Captains License … I bet you didn’t see that coming!:)
Say what? So you’ll be able to drive a big boat??
Yep. I’ll be able to captain a catamaran up to 10 people including 3 staff members. Basically I can rent a house boat on vacation and be my own captain vs hiring one 🙂
If you got an unexpected gift of (a lot of) cash, what would you do with it?
Depends on how much??? That would determine if I went long or short term. I’d probably have a little fun, set some aside, randomly donate to organizations close to my heart & spoil some people.
What’s your favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?
A glass of wine and crafting. All the ideas I have in my head all day, I try to make ONE a day. A tangible item that can be anywhere from a door hanger to new ways to organize.
What do you most want people to remember about you?
That I loved hard.
One word to sum me up: Adventurous
Our many thanks to First National Bank of NWA for sponsoring this feature, which celebrates all the unique moms here in Northwest Arkansas! CLICK HERE to visit the FNBNWA website or follow them here on Facebook. FNBNWA is a full-service bank and has multiple branches, including:
801 N Dixieland Road, Rogers, 479-621-6800
- 3706 Pinnacle Hills Pkwy, Rogers, 479-464-9060
- E. Pleasant Grove Rd., Lowell, 479-659-7100
- 350 E. Centerton Blvd., (Hwy 102), Centerton, 479-795-4200
- 2638 E Joyce, Suite 1 Fayetteville, 479-856-7800