We love watching kids in Northwest Arkansas grow up through these great snapshots shared by their mamas. Here’s another batch of amazing pictures. You only have 2 more days to get in on the Summer Snapshot Contest!
HOW TO ENTER: Get some of your favorite shots submitted for the Summer Snapshot Contest! Just send up to 5 photos per month to gwen@nwaMotherlode.com. Our judges will select a winner at the end of August. The mom who submits the winning snapshot will win a 16×20 gallery-wrapped canvas prepared by our friends at Scott Frame and Art.
Here are some of the latest snapshots!
Remember that mom and daughter shown hiking a trail in our last picture post? Here’s the gorgeous waterfall they found at the end of the trail. Beautiful pic!Okay, girls! 3-2-1-JUMP!!!All smiles hanging out with mama by the pool!This is Henry, but we like to call him Miracle Henry. (You’ll see why in an upcoming post.) Henry turned 1 and LOVED his cake, can’t you tell?We just heard some great news about the cute brother and sister in this picture… scroll down to see it!Their mom sent us this awesome photo that lets us know that this cute brother and sister is about to get another sibling! The “tie breaker” is coming in March of 2021, so we’ll be anxious to see if it’s a girl or a boy! Congratulations and best wishes for a safe, wonderful pregnancy!