Picture Mama: Back-to-School photos!

By Melanie Merkling, mama of 1 and professional photographer

One day you’re sitting in the hospital holding the precious baby you’ve been waiting nine LONG back-to-schoolsized.jpgmonths for. Then in the blink of an eye, you’re watching them head off to school. They hop up on the sidewalk and walk, tall and proud, up to a big school that makes them seem so small all over again.

If only we could freeze time. Since we can’t, the next best thing is to pull out your camera and start clicking, capturing the moment forever. When taking back-to-school pictures of my son, I always try to get pictures that not only show what he looked like that year but also give glimpses of his personality and what he’s interested in at the time. The day school starts is always hectic at our house, so I like to take a few shots the day before and a few the day school begins.

Here are a few shots that make my list:

The day before:

*Hand prints on paper

*Close-up of hand holding pencil, writing name on paper

*Foot next to something to show size, like a pencil, box of crayons, etc.

*Picture next to school sign

The day of:

back-to-school2sized.jpg*Standing next to front door

*Shot of them walking towards the school bus, if they’re a bus-rider (Even if they aren’t, this can make for a cool shot.)

* All the excited facial expressions made in the car on the way to school

*From behind walking hand-in-hand with Dad, Mom, or a sibling up to the school

*From behind down a sidewalk or path toward school or away from home with their backpack on

*Of course, one nice big smiley close-up that shows teeth!

(Example photos shown here courtesy of Gwen Rockwood, website mama and mama to Adam, Jack and Kate.)

Hope you get some great back-to-school shots that you’ll treasure forever.

Melanie Merkling is a mom and a professional photographer. E-mail her a question at mamas@nwaMotherlode.com or visit her website to see examples of her work. Click here to go to MELANIE’S WEBSITE.