Mamas on Magic 107.9: Using food like medicine

Happy Friday, mamas! We made it through a bitterly cold week here in Northwest Arkansas.

If you follow the news, you already know how many scientific reports show that the right types of food can have a dramatic impact on our overall health. This week during our Mamas on Magic 107.9 radio segment, we discussed how certain foods affect different parts of the body including the face and brain, best foods for weight loss and foods with anti-aging properties.

The Mamas on Magic radio segment airs around 7:40 a.m. on Magic 107.9 each weekday.

If you missed hearing the conversation on the radio this week, click the play arrow on the audio bars below to hear it now.

Food for your face

The “food as medicine” movement

Food for your brain

Best foods for weight loss

Foods that will age you faster (Yikes!)