It’s summertime and the reading is easy! I’m convinced that summer was made for light, fluffy, and fun reading.
of summer.
The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain is hard to put down once you get involved with these characters. Cee Cee Wilkes is a young girl in love and willing to do anything to please her boyfriend. She becomes entangled in a horrible kidnapping plot that leads to one bad decision after another. In another state and under a new name, Cee Cee is now caring for a baby that is not her own, but that she comes to loves fiercely. The reader follows Cee Cee through most of her life as she goes on living her lie waiting for her past mistakes to catch up to her. It is easy to get swept up in this story of love and desperation. When it all starts to unravel for Cee Cee, be prepared to clear your schedule because you won’t want to put the book down for anything.
After reading a great review for this one, I was excited to get it until picking it up to see the cover, when I was sure it was not my type of book. However, Poison Study by Maria Snyder, surprised me with its spellbinding story weaving elements of fantasy, romance, drama and more. When describing this book, it is hard to convey just how enjoyable it is from a brief synopsis. So, if you get your hands on this one, give it a shot before dismissing it as not your type of book. Yelena has been locked in the castle awaiting execution when she is given the choice to become the food taster for the Commander. With a new lease on life, she begins tasting various poisons to prepare for the role. Her teacher, Valek, is a dangerous and mysterious man working as head of security for the Commander. Yelena becomes a pivotal force in the future of the country as she is drawn into political actions and intrigue. She is a smart, strong character who is finding her way as her own skills are coming to light. Written in a way that you feel like you are there, this medieval fantasy is enjoyable from start to finish. You won’t be disappointed for an escapist read on a long, hot summer day.
Submitted by Marci Tate of