We’ve redecorated. Like it?

james-smith-nwafamilyvideo.jpgYou’ve probably noticed our big invitation to “Take the Video Tour!” at the very top of the website, complete with our cheesy grins. Have you watched the video? James at nwaFamily Video did a great job of pulling everything together and making us look “professional”. He did say after editing this together that the blooper reel is hilarious. We’re sure it is!

(Here’s a link to James’ website. He does weddings, love stories, videos of kids in action, and corporate videos, too. He was recently on the set of Toddlers and Tiaras! Unfortunately, he signed a confidentiality form and we can’t get him to spill any fun details.)

Even if you’re not new to the site, we’d love for you to check out the video. See if you can tell which one of us is sitting on a thick phone book so she wouldn’t look like a shrimp (hint: her name rhymes with cannon). Click here to see our video! 

facebook.jpgWe’ve also got a new Twitter bluebird to make it easy for you to follow us (if you’re not on Twitter, it’s easy to sign up!) We also have a link to the nwaMotherlode Facebook page on the site! It’s in the middle column, sandwiched between our BRAND NEW CATEGORIES and “Sites We’re Surfing”. Our Twitter followers and Facebook friends often receive new information and giveaway details first!

Speaking of our BRAND NEW CATEGORIES (can you tell we’re excited?), we recently decided the categories needed to be a little more organized and user-friendly. So we asked our graphics guru to take the mama from our t-shirt design and adapt her to the various category activities. There’s a drop-down menu under most so you can choose your poison.

funstuff_cat.pngFor example, under “Fun Stuff” there’s Five Minutes With a Mom, Inside His Head, Cheez Quiz (this one really got you mamas talking this week) and New In Town.

You probably also noticed our new comment button, which is orange and hard to miss. See?


You can click on the orange button or comment the way you always have (way at the bottom of a post) and it will go to the same place, no problem.

We’ve also got a Motherlode “button” you can grab and place on your website. We’d love for you to link to us! If you have any trouble loading the button onto your blog, please send us an e-mail and let us know so we can help out.

We hope you like the changes and we’d love for you to try out that new comment button to let us know what you think! We’d also love to hear if there’s anything else we can do to make the website more user-friendly for you. We’re always looking for ways to make the website better for our readers. We appreciate each one of you!