Get The Rockwood Files delivered via email

Hi mamas! If you’re like me, you use your email inbox a LOT. When there’s something I want to keep up with, I usually have it sent to me via email because rockwood files photo logoI’m more likely to see it there, versus remembering to go out to a website to look it up.

So I’m expanding the list of people who receive my newspaper column (The Rockwood Files) via email. It’s a good way to make sure you don’t miss an article and, if you like it, it’s easy to hit the forward button and share it with a friend or post a link on Facebook.

When you sign up to receive the column via email, you’ll get five weeks worth of bonus columns called The Funny Papers, each one delivered on a Friday so you can start the weekend with a good laugh.

Click HERE if you’d like to receive The Rockwood Files free via email and get the bonus material. (And rest assured, your email address is safe and will never be misused.)

Once you click the link, look for the green sign-up box on the right-hand side of the page and enter your first name and email address. Fast and simple! Thanks!

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