Partner Massage & Partner Yoga classes

Information provided by Wendy Finn, owner of mobile I.M. Spa

yoga53.jpgI wish I had a nickel for every time I heard somebody say, “I wish I could get my husband to give me massages.”  Or, “she doesn’t push hard enough,” or “he absentmindedly rubs my shoulders like this (use your imagination here) and then says “there, is that good?”

Well, I.M. Spa is joining forces with White River Yoga to offer Partner Massage and Partner Yoga classes beginning May 3.  In the Partner Massage Class you will have the opportunity to transform those nonexistent or haphazard 2 minute massages into a 30-minute massage that would cost at least $40 at any spa.

The Partner Massage Class is taught in a format similar to a yoga class, and billed the same to keep the costs low and encourage students to make massage part of their weekly health care practice.

“Partner Yoga Class is just plain beautiful.  It involves everything you already love about yoga with added dimensions of yin and yang, trust and acceptance, and key to both classes, communication,” Wendy said.

The classes are offered on opposing weeks, every Sunday evening at 5:30 at White River Yoga in Greenland. E-mail Sue at the studio by clicking HERE.

White River Yoga, which just opened recently, is also offering camps for kids this summer as well as prenatal yoga.