Mom’s Choice Winner: New Directions Physician Weight Loss Center

If you’ve ever jumped on the weight loss roller coaster, you likely had lots of company. But we know about a different approach to losing weight here in NWA. It’s a program with proven success and lots of support from doctors and new friends.

The mamas have known Dr. Feezell, director of the New Directions Physician Weight Loss Center, for several years now. He’s funny, personable and serious about helping people meet their weight loss goals, including those who are desperate to find an effective plan because they have a disease like diabetes or just want to be able to play with their kids without running out of steam.

Moms voted New Directions “Best Weight Management Clinic” in Benton County. Congratulations! We asked the New Directions team to share a little more about the program, which clearly has had a fantastic success rate among people in the area:

Who is the ideal client for New Directions? New Directions Physician Weight Loss program is a medically monitored diet program which means that it is the perfect program for obese and severely obese persons with medical issues. Dr. Randall Feezell, Elizabeth Thompson, PA-c and  Dr.Lyndell Horine are skilled in the art of monitoring weight loss progress and REDUCING medications such as blood pressure and diabetes medications.

People who have a smaller amount of weight to lose, say 20 or so pounds, or with specific health restrictions may also join a modified branch of New Directions called an LCD (Low Calorie Diet typically 1000-1400 call/day).  Typically, this client is put on 2 meal replacements daily with snacks and a single meal which are recommended to them by the Registered Dietitian. Class follow-up and check ins tend to be the same, because the focus is the same: lifestyle changes to facilitate long term weight loss maintenance.

You also work with adolescents, correct? We have worked with some adolescents, very often the physicians will have them on a modified program for weight loss with ongoing linear growth.

Why is this program so effective? The New Directions program utilizes a very-low-calorie-diet of nutritionally complete meal replacements. This facilitates rapid weight loss which is itself motivating! Along the way, our clients attend classes weekly to empower them to make Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes in areas of nutrition, physical activity and behavioral health.

What kind of support can your clients expect from New Directions? Lots of support from the health care team and from classmates.  Remember that clients are here weekly to check in and monthly to see the health care practitioner. We actually address “Getting Support” and the importance of this in our class curriculum. New Directions also has a Newsletter to offer support and tips monthly.

Your ad says to mention the phrase “Kids” when you call the New Directions phone number (479-268-6404). What can moms expect with that discount code? Moms and anyone else who use the KIDS code will be able to register for an orientation session free of charge!

Dr. Randall Feezell, New Directions director

Tell us about the program’s director, Dr. Randall Feezell: Dr. Feezell is not only a wonderful boss, he is an amazing physician and patient advocate. After a career in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, he realized that in general physicians weren’t able to effectively help patients lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF. He searched for a weight loss program that would help him to achieve this end and found Robard’s New Direction and opened New Directions Physician Weight Loss program almost 3 years ago.  He became board certified as a Bariatric Physician and continues to grow and learn about the effects of stress, hormonal  and environmental changes on weight and health. He is passionate about this program and is “fully vested”  in ensuring our clients’ ongoing success!

We hear you’re opening a new location in Fayetteville. Congratulations! Where will the new clinic be located and will it offer everything that’s already available in Bentonville? The new New Directions Physician Weight Loss office in Fayetteville is located at 2233 N Green Acres Road. Right now we are gradually increasing the amount of time that staff will be available in Fayetteville. However, at this moment, clients have to come to the Bentonville office for: Orientation sessions, physician visits, and Adapting and Maintenance classes. Eventually, we plan to offer the same services in Fayetteville as Bentonville!

Do you have any informational classes for people who are considering starting at New Directions? Yes, we do offer regular orientation sessions for registered guests to learn about the New Directions Program. Dr. Feezell speaks to the group about how the program works and the expectations associated with it. Then I, as the program coordinator, take an opportunity to discuss the cost of the program.  We always have a client on hand to give testimony and to speak realistically about the program.

What do you hear most often from your members about the program’s success? They report that the weight loss phase, called the Reducing Phase, is actually “the easiest phase”. Most of our clients choose this program because of the Therapeutic Lifestyle Change component.  Adapting back to real food and Maintaining weight after weight loss is difficult because of the lifestyle changes that are required. The program is here to support the clients through that process for 2 years via the STAR ( Steps to Avoid Regain) Maintenance program. Our success is measured not by total weight lost, but by total weight kept off.

For more info on New Directions, click HERE to visit their website. You can also call to ask questions or schedule an appointment at 479-268-6404 or send an email to The center is located at Mercy Health Center, 3101 Southeast 14th St., Bentonville.