It’s Thursday again! That means the mamas will be hanging out the Jennifer Irwin and Guy Westmoland today. Tune in to the Magic in the Morning radio show around 8 a.m. and join in our conversation about your favorite baby products! Call in and tell us which products you can’t (couldn’t) live without. Click here or on the graphic on the right to listen to Magic 107.9 live on your computer.
We know so many pregnant or new mamas right now and we have been buying lots of baby gifts. We’ve listed a few of our faves below.
Call in with your suggestions or leave a comment below!
Click here to read comments from local moms about their favorite baby products of all time.
Here are a few of the products we’ll be talking about on the radio today. Click on each product name below if you want to read more about it.
Baby stuff:
- Cloud b Twilight Constellation Night Light
- gDiapers, the first flushable diapers
- Boppy Newborn lounger
- BabySense V Infant Movement Monitor
- Miracle Blanket (for swaddling)
- Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether
- QuickZip crib sheets
- Nursing cover-ups
- Hook-On high chairs
- Moby Wrap
- Grocery cart covers
- Book: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, by Tracy Hogg
Toddler stuff:
Disposable stick-on placemats
- Baby Bjorn toddler potty chair
- Baby Bjorn potty seat
- Stephen Joseph nap mat
Clean-up stuff:
Safety stuff:
Video monitors
- Safety 1st choke hazard tester
- Safety 1st Temp Guard duckie
- Baby Sense V
- Angelcare Monitor