Mamas’ News Round-up: Sizzurp and other things you need to know

Mamas, we are constantly stumbling across things in the World Wide Web that get our attention — things we think our fellow local mamas would want to know about, too. So here’s a roundup of some of those “need to know” items we’ve seen recently. Just click the links for more info on each.

If you come across something important (or just fun) you’d like to share with moms, please let us know by posting a comment or by emailing us at

What is sizzurp?

It’s a combination of soda pop, candy and prescription-strength cough syrup that contains codeine.

Why do you need to know? Because it’s gaining popularity with kids, teens and twenty-somethings which is very bad because this stuff is LETHAL. The sweet combination of these elements makes it very easy to drink too much of it. Overdosing on this can shut down your respiratory system and cause DEATH.

Click HERE to read an NBC news story with more info on what we all need to know about sizzurp.

What’s the truth about flu shots during pregnancy?

We all know that, as moms, our instinct is to put nothing in our bodies while we’re pregnant that we think has even a tiny chance of hurting the baby. BUT… please understand that flu shots shouldn’t be in that category.

Doctors tell us that, not only is it safe to get a flu shot while you’re pregnant (and even during the first trimester), it’s important to do it to help protect your own life and the life of your baby.

Click HERE to read a post written by Dr. Matthew Steed of Mercy Health for more info about which type of flu vaccination to get and why you should get it regardless of which trimester you may be in.

And click HERE if you’re interested in helping a local family (Chris and Leslie Creekmore) who has been tragically impacted by flu this year. This beautiful young woman is fighting for her life right now and tragically lost her unborn baby during her hospitalization with flu. Please keep them in your prayers.